Server Crashed, but I have no idea why.
voxasor opened this issue ยท 2 comments
What happens:
I've got a server on Nitrado, and it used to work perfectly.
But for some reason since yesterday it just stopped working.
The server starts and at the end it just stops again with an error.
I've attached the server crash report here, does anybody know/ see what seems to be the problem?
just a hint for future issues
the part before/above
A detailed walkthrough of the error, its code path and all known details is as follows:
contains a complicated looking structure that contains all invloved componentes and mods in this crash
in your case it starts with
hinting to applied energistigcs (appeng) but the lower you get in this trace you will see
at net.bdew.ae2stuff.machines.inscriber.TileInscriber.findFinalRecipe(TileInscriber.scala:128)
a lot "ae2stuff" which is an addon mod for applied energistics
you can safely ignore from bottom up any calls to "net.minecraft" stuff, but the first entry that hints on a mod is often the root for the crash but it can also be somewhere upwars from that
in this case i would blame ae2stuff and to be more specific something about something they do with recipes ... and a wild guess would be soemthign about that change that forge did a while ago to recipe handling, try updating ae2stuff and/or ae2