Item Conduit Isn't Working?...
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Issue Description:
sorry if i'm stupid about using EnderIO. in vanilla + endercore+enderio;
1-i put a sagmill, and charged it with creative capacitor (connected with advanced energy conduit)
2-inserted a capacitor(item) then put some ores(diamond ore)
3-connected it to a single vanilla chest (1x) with item conduit
4-configured the output of the machine, configured also item conduit input-output ways
BUT, items won't transfer to the chest. am i wrong at somewhere? i used Forge 2652. thanks.
tried everything with yeta wrench
Affected Versions:
- EnderIO: 5.0.20
- EnderCore: 0.5.18
- Minecraft: 1.12.2
- Forge: 2652
- Installed mods: Nothing except EnderCore and EnderIO
i didnt think it needs logs becus of vanilla+mod, but if needed just tell me
Put the chest next to the machine and have the machine "push" things into it. No item conduit needed
what if i need to connect to something with item conduit? shouldn't it work with item conduit?
oh god, i just created a new world then it started working. have NO idea, i tried it with even vanilla. im shocked...