Ender IO Zoo

Ender IO Zoo


=Bad file= IMC from other mod

jacobmix opened this issue ยท 12 comments


Issue Description:

Me, and my friends have a "modpack" with around 300 mods (ran fine for a while)
After updating some mods, and added a few i seem to get an error now that i can't pin point how to fix.
I wanna know if there's a way to keep all the mods, but just change a config or such to make it not crash.

What happens:

Game crashes when it loads the Minecraft main menu after all the mods have loaded.
This is the error i get: http://prntscr.com/j8kujg | Error in text:

[16:34:56] [main/ERROR] [enderio]: ===================================================================
[16:34:56] [main/ERROR] [enderio]: == ENDER IO FATAL ERROR ==
[16:34:56] [main/ERROR] [enderio]: ===================================================================
[16:34:56] [main/ERROR] [enderio]: Cannot register recipes as configured. This means that either
[16:34:56] [main/ERROR] [enderio]: your custom config file has an error or another mod does bad
[16:34:56] [main/ERROR] [enderio]: things to vanilla items or the Ore Dictionary.
[16:34:56] [main/ERROR] [enderio]: ===================================================================
[16:34:56] [main/ERROR] [enderio]: == Bad file ==
[16:34:56] [main/ERROR] [enderio]: IMC from other mod
[16:34:56] [main/ERROR] [enderio]: ===================================================================
[16:34:56] [main/ERROR] [enderio]: == Error Message ==
[16:34:56] [main/ERROR] [enderio]: Invalid amount in , bigger than maximum stack size at [row,col]:[1,183] in 'Sagmill: LifeCrystal Ore'
[16:34:56] [main/ERROR] [enderio]: ===================================================================
[16:34:56] [main/ERROR] [enderio]:
[16:34:56] [main/ERROR] [enderio]: ===================================================================
[16:34:56] [main/ERROR] [enderio]: Note: To start the game anyway, you can disable recipe loading in the
[16:34:56] [main/ERROR] [enderio]: Ender IO config file. However, then all of Ender IO's crafting recipes
[16:34:56] [main/ERROR] [enderio]: will be missing.
[16:34:56] [main/ERROR] [enderio]: ===================================================================

What you expected to happen:

For it to not crash, and load the menu with no error.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Install custom mod pack with the Twitch application:
  2. When it's done installing launch it, and wait for it to finish.
  3. After 10 years pass you're greeted with an error message. (prinscr.com's screenshot above)

Affected Versions:

  • EnderIO: 1.12.2-5.0.22
  • EnderCore: 1.12.2-0.5.20
  • Minecraft: 1.12.2
  • Forge:

Your most recent log file where the issue was present:

Log: https://pastebin.com/RYuM75iA
Debug log: https://pastebin.com/aWcWtB6H

Edit1: After rolling back before i updated mods it seems to work again.
I think it might have been when i updated AbyssalCraft. For now i just won't update it.
Edit2: Tried updating everything, but AbyssalCraft... Still got the error. So might be something else.


What version of JOAPCA are you using.


The next build of Ender IO will no longer suppress the log message about receiving IMC messages.


Rolling back JOAPCA to fixes the issue.


Roll back to jaopcs v.78 for now


Yeah. Just updated everything, but JOAPCA (i'm on 1.12.2-
And it seems to work fine. Thanks for the help. Will close this issue now.


JAOPCA-1.12.2- should have the fix @jacobmix


Tried using some of the scripts from DireWolf20's mod pack, and i haven't crashed for a while.
Gonna have to look into what fixes it. Don't wanna change recipes or how some mods work too much.


@tyler489 Yeah. I've just updated all the mods in the pack, and added even more :p
Launches fine, and plays great... But I seem to crash randomly tho.
Just goes "not responding" and everyone on my "lan" hosted server get's disconnected.
It couldn't be because having 300+ mods is a bad idea. Surely not.
If you wanna test out the crazy mod pack you can get it here:
Here's my crash logs, ect:
Crash report: https://pastebin.com/Cp5MJaw4
Latest log: https://pastebin.com/x6LvSPrE
Debug log split into 3 parts.
1: https://pastebin.com/BGK3BjBy
2: https://pastebin.com/24RBX0R7
3: https://pastebin.com/invC9t8m
My specs in form of a DxDiag.txt file: https://pastebin.com/6eJLjA2r


Something is messing with world entity spawner


This issue is closed and has nothing to do with enderio


@EpicSquid Yeah it's a fixed, and closed issue. Just talking about my modpack, and how it is after updates.
What's the issue here? You shouldn't see this if you're searching for current issues.
I'm just posting things related to the issue i had (the modpack as a whole) there shouldn't be a problem.
If this actually causes any problem just say. For now if you want an actual issue go to the opened ones

@tyler489 I'll see if i can figure it out. Using 300+ mods isn't as easy as just adding them all sadly.
Just a note. The script, and config files are separate from the mod pack download.
Me, and my friends are still changing them, and upload changes regularly. Thanks for the help tho.


Something is wrong with vanilla spawners trying to find a chunk so spawn in