1.12.2 crash on create/load world
Fez-Masta77 opened this issue ยท 4 comments
Issue Description:
I recently downloaded all of these mods (they should be all up to date) and would go to make a world and it would crash after the loading screen went away. In the crashlog I couldn't find anything else besides EnderIO and after a google search it seems I am the only one with this problem. (please correct me if I am wrong)
What happens:
My game crashes as I load a single player world.
What you expected to happen:
I expected to load in the world just fine.
Steps to reproduce:
- Create a new world using biome bundle setting in OTG
- Wait for world to be created (it gets to the point of where I am in game but no blocks are loaded)
- crash
Affected Versions (Do not use "latest"):
- EnderIO: 5.0.22
- EnderCore: 0.5.20
- Minecraft: 1.12.2
- Forge:
Your most recent log file where the issue was present:
crash log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/4ztzslfilrjo665/crash-2018-04-24_21.45.04-client.txt?dl=0
Can you please give either the download or raw paste of the crash log? This one is almost unreadable
Same Problem Without Optifine
too get it to load I disabled Ender IO, ender Core, and tough as nails loaded game quit then
renabled Ender IO and Ender core seems as long as world loads completly once it works.. work fine with optifine added it after I really like Dynamic light feature :P