Ender IO Zoo

Ender IO Zoo


1.12.2 Energy Conduits not working after Server restart

chris42 opened this issue ยท 12 comments


Issue Description:

After a server restart, enhanced power conduits seem to stop sending power to certain machines. Occurred with RFTools Elevator and Thermal Expansion Compactor. The conduits are still connected, but no power is delivered. removing them and rebuilding them starts power delivery again.

What happens:

No power is being delivered although connector is connected and properly configured. Machine runs on internal power until empty

What you expected to happen:

Regular power delivery

Steps to reproduce:

This error does not seem to pop up on each server start, but randomly. Hence multiple starts are needed.

  1. Connect RFTools Elevator or Thermal Expansion Compactor to enhanced power conduits and send power.
  2. Restart server
  3. Use machine and check power storage in machine

Affected Versions (Do not use "latest"):

  • EnderIO: 5.0.22
  • EnderCore: 1.12.2-0.5.22
  • Minecraft: 1.12.2
  • Forge:

Your most recent log file where the issue was present:

Log of last server start, after which the Compacter had no power. However cannot tell if it occurred exactly in this start.


So what does "Cannot reproduce" mean?


This is not something I can make happen under the same conditions


So anything I can do? Produce logs, enable debugging or anything? If you explain me what you would be looking for, I could try to get it.


A minimal reproduction case would be most helpful. A world save where the issue is repeatable, with a minimal set of mods where the problem still occurs. This way we can test it ourselves and get more info.


This is similar to something I am experiencing on my server, I used a gpm to check rf levels and I got this:
2018-05-13_14 37 07

I did modify the config though (not over the limits though)

 "   # The maximum IO for the tier 3 power conduit. (synced from server) [range: 1 ~ 1000000000, default: 20480]
    I:tier3_maxIO=1000000000  "

Only way to fix it is to remove all affected conduits .

(Also I think it may be due to the fact that a set the config lower at one point then changed it back to this number)


@IAmBotl your issue is unrelated and to do with your config choices.


I just came across, because I have the same issue in Singleplayer:
For me this was the case:
I have some generators and tier 1 energy cables. I connected a Pulverizer, SAG Mill, Alloy Smelters and Induction Smelters (not important). But the energy conduits passed the Pulverizer at two sides. I deactivated one side, so I can connect everything to power capacitors, not directly to generators. But anyway, after restarting, the Pulverizer did not get any engery until I broke the conduit and placed it again. Later I changed the cables and the Pulverizer is connect with only one side now. It works perfectly now.

PS: I am running MC 1.10.2 with EnderIO 3.1.183 (FTB Beyond pack)


@FlixCoder not relevant to the 1.12 release, also appears to be a different issue.


I had the same issue in singleplayer. After I left and joined the game again a machine of Mekanism ran out of energy although it was connected with energy conduits. But it was only one machine and always the same so I thought it was a bug with that machine. I could rebuilt that and test this for you if you want?


(Singleplayer/1.12.2) (EIO 5.0.26)

What are you using for power generation? I've also noticed the problem, but only when I generate power with Thermal Expansion dynamos. I CANNOT get energy out of them. I've tried Energy Conduit (EIO), Transfer Nodes (XU2), Laser Relays (AA) no luck. These all work fine feeding out of a basic capacitor bank though, so I don't think the problem is in the EIO cables. I am feeding my machines out of a piddly culinary generator and it works perfect with all forms of energy transfer. If you're in SP, cheat in/make another power generator and see if it works. I'm going to go poke around the COFH stuff and see if they broke something accidentally.

Update: Ok, strange. I teleported to my testing area, built a power system with dynamos and EIO cables and it worked. Teleported back home, broke cables and dynamos, replaced, and... it worked. Checking to see if it survives a reload.

Update: It is working as expected. Have you tried to break and replace your power generators?


I had only to replace the cable. The energy came from a Quantum Entangle Porter. But there were several machines connected and only one was affected. I assume you have problems to get the energy out?
My problem was to get the energy in.


Yep, I couldn't get power out. But, it still happened even with other mods' power cables, so I don't think my issue was EIO related. I've not tried messing with QEP's or anything like that. I'm all old-fashioned direwire style, but I mainly use EIO because they seem to work the best for my setups.