Ender IO Zoo

Ender IO Zoo


[1.12.2] Server Crash Ticking Player due to tinkers intergration issue

Morpheus1101 opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Crash log @ https://gist.github.com/Morpheus1101/c9521b4c7b608f59e2c7048b53f9792f

Forge v *.3.2678
EIO v 5.0.24
E.Core v0.5.22


We have a format for issues for a reason. Please use it. I have no idea what you were doing to cause this.


It occured whilst i was away and told about the server crashing, so the only information i know is th euser had a trait on a Pickaxe and when mining the above mentioned crash occured, the user isnt around currently to ask any further information.


That's the fault of the block that is being broken, it is implementing Block.getDrops() wrongly.


ok, i will replicate the pick in my dev testing world and figure out which mod is causing it. thanks for
the information.