Ender IO Zoo

Ender IO Zoo


Maximum Energy Calculation with Enderio Capacitor Banks and Xnet

FallenEagle1 opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Issue description: This seems to be a slight inconvenience for using Ender IO capacitor banks and the max/min for when to stop rf transfer. The number that is put into the controller is multiplied by the number of capacitor banks that are connected. So it a capacitor bank is meant to be capped at 1000 rf and there are 5 capacitor banks connected, the rf stored is capped at 5000 rf. This happens with all tiers of capacitor banks.

From what was mentioned by McJty, this was an issue here as his mods were using info from the API. This is from McJtyMods/XNet#268

2018-05-08_23 35 59
2018-05-08_23 36 07

Tested powercells from both RFTools and RFToolsPower just to double check other similar multiblocks and they don't have this issue.


  • Minecraft: 1.12.2
  • Forge:
  • McJtyLib: 2.6.7
  • XNet: 1.6.9
  • Enderio: 5.0.24

#4571 might be related different mod though


This is not a bug, its how capbanks work in a multiblock. They distribute their power equally with each capbank in the system, so XNet is only checking the single block not the multiblock for power fullness, and as such it will fill that capbank and then distribute the energy to each other capbank in the multiblock. RFTools powercells function differently as they aren't really a multiblock (they actually link to each other). I will at least look at what is being returned by code, but essentially this is technically "working as intended" if XNet is only considering the block and not the multiblock


But it looks (from the description on my ticket) that the number you get from the single block is multiplied by the number of blocks on your side? At least check if that isn't the case


I will, we also need to re add our large based power storage api so other mods can read the cap bank properly.