Ender IO Zoo

Ender IO Zoo


Lag opening Simple Stirling Generator from EnderIO

DiamondGallery opened this issue ยท 9 comments


Issue Description:

Computer/Game-stalling lag when opening simple stirling generator each time.

What happens:

3-4 second lag upon each attempt to open Simple Stirling Generator. Seems like game is going to crash but has always recovered so far.

What you expected to happen:

Expect to have no lag when opening a machine such as a Simple Stirling Generator.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Download all the mods 3 via twitch launcher. Run everything latest version, increase RAM slightly at first.
  2. Once atm3 loaded, create default new survival SP world.
  3. Acquire enough resources to build Simple Stirling Generator. Place it down, everytime its opened computer/game waits 3-4 seconds before responding.

Affected Versions (Do not use "latest"):

  • EnderIO: 1.12.2-5.0.24
  • EnderCore: 1.12.2-0.5.22
  • Minecraft: Not sure but I think 1.12
  • Forge:

Your most recent log file where the issue was present:

[pastebin/gist/etc link here]


I can't reproduce that. What are your computer specs? That may be causing the lag you mentioned (ATM3 is quite expensive to run in a few machines.)
Also, did you test if the other mods also cause this lag?
Good luck!


Known issue, and is reproducible in large packs. Working on a solution


Thanks much for the replies! I thought it potentially had something to do with being in a large pack. My computer does get a bit stressed at times running All The Mods 3. I've tweaked my RAM allocation around a bit but will continue to report anything I find as I'm going to be playing around with it more.

My specs
i7-4790k @3.99GHz
ASUS Maximus Hero 6 Mobo


@DiamondGallery can you try this again with the new release?


Each attempt after the first wasn't noticeably longer than the first, from what I can tell. There did seem to be an average amount of 3-4 seconds on each attempt. However, if there was some added delay on each sequential attempt past the first that does seem possible it could have been happening, however wasn't noticeable enough for me to conclude it yet. I will check on that again though when I get back to that world tonight and let you know.


@EpicSquid Hey there, I tried again on a fresh install of the new release and a fresh world.

World was Singleplayer Normal Survival w/ Biomes O' Plenty biomes, basically no other customizations done (other than scaling my RAM down from 9GB possible to 5.2GB), right out of the box otherwise.

A few things I noticed I wanted to share:

-General Lag: I think because there are so many mods, my computer struggles generally to get everything loaded up at first (meaning snappy loading). When everything is seemingly loaded, so far things seem to be on average running smoothly.

-Particular Lag: Some of the things I interact with that seem to need to generate a large list of items to show me (in this case I'm thinking of all the fuel items the simple stirling generator can burn/intake) do still take 3-4 seconds to load, sometimes longer. This behavior is seen when opening the simple stirling generator to interact with it, powered or unpowered.

-No Crashing: Behavior seemed consistent although delay/lag on certain things like I mentioned above persisted consistently as well.

That was the extent of the possible time I had for testing last night.


Did it take longer from the second attempt onwards with the simple stirling generator? (In one session that is)


@EpicSquid Had a chance to check again tonight.

I'm running java 8u171 as well and do get warnings about that at launch. Not sure if that makes a difference, also don't know if the fact that I'm on Windows 8.1 Pro as well makes any difference either but I figured I'd mention it just in case.

Retried opening Simple Sterling Generator multiple times and the time is very consistent on how long it takes. I misjudged before since after retiming this time it only takes a Max of 2 seconds lag to open it. Tested this in another fresh survival world on normal with simplified running in pack config file and its slightly faster doing that ( ~1.5seconds), this holds true for creative as well with simplified config.

Creative in normal config is also about 2-ish seconds max load when opening.

I tested with fuel burning and it having its buffer filled at certain levels, these things didn't really seem to make a difference overall.

The time it took upon each successive open, if anything, decreased slightly which I saw across all modes and difficulties.


Good to know, we are caching fuels now so what you have had happen should happen. I will call this a success for now.