1.12.2 Sag Mill recipes vanished from JEI while browsing them.
Janitor53 opened this issue · 7 comments
Issue Description:
Fresh install with only JEI and EnderIO.
What happens:
Some recipes from Sag Mill vanished when trying to browse them.
Multiple "[main/ERROR]: Error caught from Recipe Category: crazypants.enderio.machines.integration.jei.sagmill.SagMillRecipeCategory
java.lang.NullPointerException: null" errors in log.
What you expected to happen:
Normal function.
Steps to reproduce:
Video: https://youtu.be/h9Lz8mBg05U
- Open JEI, type in "sag"
- Press U on Sag Mill
- List recipes with arrow on the right. Total recipes counter will be dropped down after each page,
Affected Versions (Do not use "latest"):
- EnderIO: 5.0.24
- EnderCore: 0.5.22
- Minecraft: 1.12.2
- Forge:
- JEI:
Your most recent log file where the issue was present:
@mezz can you please have a look at the stack trace? To me it looks like ingredientHelper.expandSubtypes(ingredients) returns a list with a null element---which shouldn't be possible.
That method will return a null element for any input that is null.
That functionality is used for showing rotating items in recipes where one is blank.
Thanks mezz, I lost my way within the indirections inside that method ;). Must have missed the part where it lets that null through.
So this was probably the Grinding Ball list, that one has one empty element.
That's why I have subclassed NonNullList into a type that is much saner to use. We now use that one almost everywhere.