Ender IO Zoo

Ender IO Zoo


[1.12.2] Energy Conduits giving power to Non-EnderIO Machines without being connected to a power source

aking4125 opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Issue Description:

This is most likely due to another mod in the pack causing this though I cannot figure out which one. This only occurs with the Ender IO Energy Conduits. Apologizes if this issue was already reported. When connecting an Ender IO Energy Conduits (In my video I used the 2nd tier ones simply because that's what I went for in Survival first), to a Non-EnderIO Machine (Only AE2 machines was shown in the video because that's all I have in my Survival play through currently). It sends "infinite" amounts of power even when no power source is connected (Like an Extreme Reactor or Generator). I have a video here quickly show casing the issue and I tested a Thermal Dynamics Leadstone Flux Duct (Which I spawned in via JEI cheat to quickly test) and as expected, doesn't power the machines without a power source. Ender IO machines behave normally (they don't receive power).

The quick video can be viewed here: https://streamable.com/xrx9b

What happens:

Connecting an Energy Conduit to non-Ender IO Machines powers them without a source of power.

What you expected to happen:

Non-Ender IO machines connected via an Ender IO Energy Conduit shouldn't power the machines without some source of power to send power through the conduit cables to the machine.

Steps to reproduce:

1.Grab an Ender IO Energy Conduit.
2.Connect to a Non-Ender IO Machine without a source of power.
3.The Machine should be receiving power.

Affected Versions (Do not use "latest"):

  • EnderIO: 5.0.24
  • EnderCore:1.12.2-0.5.22
  • Minecraft: 1.12.2
  • Forge: 1.12.2 -

Your most recent log file where the issue was present:

[ https://pastebin.com/gFUdMfWX ] I triggered a manual crash to show the mod list and their versions on the bottom of the page to perhaps get some insight on what other mod or combination could be causing this. I'm pretty sure it's not directly Ender IOs fault but I'm hoping I can get some help and dig more into it. Again, sorry if this was already reported before.


Title should be "Some Non-EnderIO Machines pull energy from conduits that isn't even there."


#4658 might be related?


Should be fixed in the dev builds.


That was fast. Copy on the possible dev fix.