Dark Steel Armor config Bug 1.12.2 in Ender IO - 5.0.25
SirAron111 opened this issue · 0 comments
Issue Description:
Dark Steel Armor config Bug
When setting the Config for the Armor durability on charged armor to 1.0, it should take 100% no dmg when charged but it still takes 1 point of damage from every source.
What happens:
As stated above the armor takes 1 point of durability damage no matter how weak or strong the attack is it receives or from what damage source it comes.
Even though i set the Config to 1.0 for durability absorption when powered.
-yes the Armor was powered.
-yes i set the 1.0 for every power level so it should always take no damage when powered on any upgrade stage
-yes i tried it with only enderio and no other mods as i thought it could be caused by the damage control mod i have installed to double mob damage but it still takes durability damage.
-yes i tried to generate new config and set it new around 2-3 times still not working.
What you expected to happen:
As I want it to be the endgame armor in my modpack only topped by the draconic armor (Both Dark Steel and Draconic will have harder recipes).
I wanted to have it take no durability damage when powered (be unbreakable when powered) so you don’t lose it during battle as it is harder to make than normally.
Steps to reproduce:
- Set configs for durability damage when powered on all stages to 1.0
- Get armor in creative or craft it
- Make sure it is powered and fully upgraded
- Spawn in different mobs and see the durability drop once they attack you
- Be sad
Affected Versions (Do not use "latest"):
- EnderIO: 5.0.25 and lower
- EnderCore: 1.12.2-0.5.30 and lower
- Minecraft: 1.12.2
- Forge: Any version even latest for 1.12.2
Your most recent log file where the issue was present:
no log did not cause a crash just buggy