CapacitorKey has not been configured
PssbleTrngle opened this issue ยท 5 comments
Server crashes on start
java.lang.RuntimeException: CapacitorKey enderio:block_machine_base/no_power has not been configured. This should not be possible and may be caused by a 3rd-party addon mod.
There are 136 mods loaded, and the crash report tell me one off them interacted in a non intended way with EnderIO. I tested it with the latest and the second latest version, same crash.
The mods are listed in the crash report below
- EnderIO: 5.0.25 & 5.0.26
- EnderCore: 1.12.2-0.5.31
- Minecraft: 1.12.2
- Forge:
Crash Report: https://pastebin.com/RVBs3Xr4
Then you need to copy at least those recipes it complains about (hint: all capacitor keys) and, I think; the default mob spawning cost (that may default to 0 without config).
I solved it a different way. The whole reason why I disabled to core recipes was because the recipe for energetic alloy could not find the ore "dustGlowstone".
I added glowstone to the OreDictionary using CraftTweaker, but I have no idea why it was missing in the first place