Ender IO Zoo

Ender IO Zoo


Soul Bundler and Electric Spawner Unable to work after synthesis

umbrella22 opened this issue · 9 comments


What happens:

Synthesizer Soul Bundler and Electric Spawner Using Synthesizer,Afterwards, it is impossible for energy to enter the machine anyway. The capacitor has been inserted and the energy wire has been used. However, in the creation mode, the machine is directly taken out, and the energy can normally enter the machine and make it work normally.

What you expected to happen:

This should be a bug. I hope to be able to fix this bug. It has troubled me.

Steps to reproduce:

1.Synthesize them in the synthesis table
2.Insert capacitor and connecting wire
3.You see this bug

Affected Versions (Do not use "latest"):

  • EnderIO: 1.12.2-5.0.26
  • EnderCore: 1.12.2-0.5.30
  • Minecraft: 1.12.2
  • Forge: forge1.12.2-

Your most recent log file where the issue was present:
No crashes appear in the log file without any relevant information


Was this machine translated? If so, please post in your native language...


well ,I'm not sure if you can understand my mother tongue,I'm from China. I'm sorry that my English is very bad. The Google translation is used. Now I will redescribe it in Chinese.
这两个机器是,电动刷怪笼和灵魂绑定器(中文翻译是这样的),在使用合成台合成之后,插入电容并且接入能量线缆接入发电机或者蓄电池,但是在左侧的能量槽中并没有能量进入,而且很奇怪的是,如果是在创造模式中直接拿出来使用是完全没有问题的,即使在minecraft中将语言切换英文依旧如此,我所使用的版本已经在有说明了,谢谢您的回复。 @HenryLoenwind


Did you set a mob type to the spawner?


English:The problem is that these two machines do not receive electricity at all and can not work.


You need to combine with a broken spawner to make it spawn mobs aand accept power for spawner

Whats mod electricity and wire?


Huh now i think i see the issue




English:The capacitor is used in this MOD and the energy intensive conductor is used.

English:This is the picture. I mean this machine, and the soul binding machine. The problem is that after the synthesis, the machine does not accept the power transmitted from outside to it.

English:As you can see, this is a synthetic table

qq 20180624152302

English:The left side is synthesized using the synthesis table, while the right is directly used in the creation mode.

qq 20180624153130

English:The left side is completely non charged and the right side can be recharged under the same wiring and power supply.

qq 20180624153208
qq 20180624153156


Oh. I see.Thank you for your guidance.........
In my impression, always thought that the machine had to charge before adding items, sorry~~Sorry to trouble you.
@HenryLoenwind @tyler489