Ender IO Zoo

Ender IO Zoo


RF in Ender IO

themaster5808 opened this issue · 16 comments


Issue Description:

In every my world, the Ender IO mod don't use RF but µI.

What happens:

I can't use Ender IO if it uses µI

What you expected to happen:

You tell me how can I use RF with Ender IO

Steps to reproduce:

  1. what
  2. does
  3. it means?

Affected Versions (Do not use "latest"):

  • EnderIO: 5.0.26
  • EnderCore: 0.5.31
  • Minecraft: 1.12.2
  • Forge:

Your most recent log file where the issue was present:



µI is just a relabel for Forge Energy, which is the standard power API these days. It converts 1:1 with RF (conversion is handled by the CoFH mods (the Thermal series) and should also be done by any other mods still using the CoFH RF API).

The label can be changed using a resource pack.


So i must change resource pack? But, i'm not using any resource pack. What can i do?


Just hook the Ender IO machines to the "RF" things and it will work fine 99.9% of the time. It's just a label, not a different power system.


I'll try to do this. Thank you 👍


It works!!!! oh, thank you so much! But... is there a way to make him use RF?


With the exception of deaconic evolution all mods that use RF also are compatible with FE. Some might have that renamed but its still FE its a 1:1 ratio so 20 rf is 20 fe or 20u|

Here is a resouce pack to change it to F

There isnt one for rf because
"Expected FAQs

Q1: Will you make a RF (Redstone Flux) version?

A1: No. Ender IO dropped support for the CoFH RF API, so labeling the power system as RF would be a lie. This is one of the core reasons Ender IO changed the power system units in the first place. If you really want it to show RF, then feel free to unpack the .zip file and edit the en_us.lang file in notepad yourself."


As I said, the label can be changed by Resource Pack. I made one to change the label to FE (which is a more standard label for mods using only Forge Energy).

While they should always be equivalent, RF and FE are technically different power systems, so I won't release one that changes the label to RF. That said, the relevant file is all of 10 lines and can be edited in notepad.

@tyler489 Draconic Evolution has updated and its Fusion Crafting Injectors were fixed to accept FE, so they should work now.


Good to know..


Yes, i understand, but I'm used to seeing the RF XD i'm sorry ahahah


VT what are these filed of 10 lines? Do they change the label to RF?





Find and replace FE with RF, and Forge Energy with Redstone Flux.

I would still advise getting use to new labels. There's also Immersive Engineering's Immersive Flux (IF), and Actually Additions' Crystal Flux (CF) (neither of which are resource pack friendly). You also have mods like Refined Storage using the FE label, and AE2 changing their "RF P2P Tunnels" to "Forge Energy Tunnels." "RF" is somewhat outdated and will only get harder to relabel as time goes on.


Thanks so much! The Redstone Flux energy is outdated, but it's my favourite label, i don't know why XD. Bye bye


Now that I have modified the file, what should I do?


Put it into your resource pack and activate the pack in game. There are guides online, and the github that I linked to can be used as an example.

Generic resource pack support does not belong on Ender IO's issue tracker, so I'm done responding here.


Ok, thanks!