Ender IO - 1.12.2 - 5.0.28 Fatal Recipe Error
RyanP1991 opened this issue · 19 comments
Issue Description:
Game crashes on load with latest Ender IO / Ender Core due to an Ender IO Fatal Recipe Error.
What happens:
When the game is loading an ender io fatal recipe error occurs, attachted is a screenshot of what is displayed.
Bad File - recipes/machines.xml
Error Message - Could not find a crafting ingredient for 'enderio:block_omni_reservoir in 'Omni Reservoi'
What you expected to happen:
The game not to crash while loading and to load up fully to the main menu.
Steps to reproduce:
- Install Forge / Ender IO - 1.12.2-5.0.28 / Ender Core - 1.12.2 -0.5.35
- Load up the game
- Crash while loading
Affected Versions (Do not use "latest"):
- EnderIO: 1.12.2 - 0.5.28
- EnderCore: 1.12.2 - 0.5.35
- Minecraft: 1.12.2
- Forge:
Your most recent log file where the issue was present:
Log File attatched:
its still doesn't work i'm using it with FTB's Sky Factory 3 and its always crashing i tried installing it from curse and deleting the old one but it just doesn't work please help me
Try adding this to the user recipe
<recipe name="Omni Reservoir" required="false" disabled="true">
<grid size="3x3">
<item name="blockGlass" /><item name="FUSED_QUARTZ" /><item name="blockGlass" />
<item name="blockGlass" /><item name="item:minecraft:cauldron" /><item name="blockGlass" />
<item name="blockGlass" /><item name="FUSED_QUARTZ" /><item name="blockGlass" />
<output name="enderio:block_omni_reservoir" amount="4" />
If the game launches fine then try adding this recipe
<recipe name="Omni Reservoir New" required="false">
<grid size="3x3">
<item name="Glass" /><item name="FUSED_QUARTZ" /><item name="Glass" />
<item name="Glass" /><item name="minecraft:cauldron" /><item name="Glass" />
<item name="Glass" /><item name="FUSED_QUARTZ" /><item name="Glass" />
<output name="enderio:block_omni_reservoir" amount="4" />
@tyler489 adding either of these recipes to user_recipes.xml doesn't help
Does the error have something to do with the latest commit (97e9c05)?
I'm experiencing the same issue with the latest version as well. Somebody on the EnderIO Discord server said to delete "machines.xml" in the EnderIO config recipes folder, but that didn't resolve the problem.
I saw that as well and tried deleting "machines.xml" so it regens the file and still causes the same crash.
Yeah, I'm guessing it's an error with the default recipe inside the file or something. I also tried to regenerate the entire recipes folder, which didn't change anything.
Fix is out on curse now. https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/ender-io/files/2579152