Ender IO Zoo

Ender IO Zoo


Increasing throughput of EnderIO Energy Conduits prevents energy transfer.

etmoonshade opened this issue · 5 comments


Issue Description:

After increasing the energy throughput of conduits to a sufficiently obscene number and replacing a portion of my power network (formerly fluxducts) with them, I found that the conduits wouldn't power any of my machines. Using the Conduit Probe on the bit of network showed that the conduit storage was a very large (or small) negative number.

What happens:

Machines are not powered.

What you expected to happen:

Machines should be powered.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Edit enderioconduits.cfg:
    energy {
  1. Create a power network with production on one end, a consumer on the other, and 105 or more Ender Energy conduits in the network (based on the above values, at least.)
  2. Observe lack of power on consumers. Conduit probe shows a large negative number.

Affected Versions (Do not use "latest"):

  • EnderIO: 5.0.26
  • EnderCore: 1.12.2-0.5.30
  • Minecraft: 1.12.2
  • Forge:

Your most recent log file where the issue was present:


I strongly suspect that the "conduit storage" given by the probe is just the maximum I/O multiplied by the number of conduits in the network. Once this value overflows a signed int, the system thinks there's no power available and therefore doesn't transmit anything.



public final class ConduitConfig {

 private static final int MAX = 2_000_000_000; // 0x77359400, keep some headroom to MAX_INT
 private static final int MAXIO = MAX / 2;

In im reading that right max storages is caped at 1Bill.... ill need henry to explain this one as i have no idea...


Note that my "analysis" is just an educated guess based on having seen problems like this before, albeit in C. I still can't really wrap my head around Java for the most part. :V

I tried some code-diving, but I can't even find the place where everything is (presumably) being added up - I could be entirely on the wrong path here. The numbers just added up a bit too nicely for me not to mention what I was thinking.


Im also new at java.. and i was having a hard time too.. thats why i was hoping for epic or henry to chime in because they are the experienced onces.


Reduce the values of your energy transfer.

Already done - that's how I realized it was an overflow problem. In this sense, I've fixed my experience with the bug.

A) nothing needs that much power

I blame the quantum quarries from Extra Utilities 2. I was hoping to add a few more. :(

B) your close to int_max which is most likely causing issues.

Pfft. Not even 1% of a signed int. ;)

Note, I'm not arguing the defaults here - those are reasonable for normal people - just that the config comments state that 1G is an acceptable maximum for the value:

        # The maximum IO for the tier 3 power conduit. (synced from server) [range: 1 ~ 1000000000, default: 20480]

I'd suggest that read something more like 1 million or so, or possibly just add a disclaimer explaining the issue:

        # The maximum IO for the tier 3 power conduit. (synced from server) [range: 1 ~ 1000000000,
        # default: 20480, max recommended: 1000000]


        # Setting maxIO too high will cause problems! Recommended max for each is 1000000.
        # The maximum IO for the tier 1 power conduit. (synced from server) [range: 1 ~ 1000000000, default: 640]

That's a bit over 2000 conduits, and I don't think I'll hit that even with my absurd sprawling build style. Although if I stopped using the dimensional transcievers, I totally could...

I've had a bit more time to poke at the code, and it looks like getMaxEnergyStored() is where you'd put a fix, but I can't understand how that interacts with the rest of the code (i.e. how we get from that to max energy for the entire network.) I suspect that just hacking in an if-then statement to clamp the return value to 1G would end poorly. :V

@tyler489: Fun fact, that MAXIO value you dug up? It's only used when reading the configs as far as I can tell. ¯\(ツ)

Edit: Oh look, you can see the values I bumped everything up to. Obviously if someone uses this idea, it should not be cut and pasted. ;p


Reduce the values of your energy transfer. A) nothing needs that much power and B) your close to int_max which is most likely causing issues.