Ender IO Zoo

Ender IO Zoo


Duplication issue with Actually Additions crushed quartz

LemmaEOF opened this issue ยท 10 comments


Issue Description:

Quartz can be duplicated through the sag mill using Actually Additions crushed quartz

What happens:

Putting nether quartz (not nether quartz ore) into a sag mill gives a 100% chance for one crushed nether quartz, but a 10% chance for a second crushed nether quartz. Each crushed nether quartz can be smelted into one full nether quartz, which can be crushed back into nether quartz and the cycle repeats. Grinding balls increase the chance for an extra crushed nether quartz, resulting in easily dupable nether quartz.

What you expected to happen:

Nether quartz in a sag mill should only return one crushed nether quartz, like all ingots/gems with their dusts.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Place a nether quartz gem in the sag mill with a high-yield grinding ball.
  2. The process may result in extra crushed nether quartz.
  3. Smelt crushed nether quartz to receive a nether quartz.
  4. Repeat.

Affected Versions (Do not use "latest"):

  • EnderIO: 5.0.29
  • EnderCore: 0.5.35
  • Minecraft: 1.12.2
  • Forge: any
  • Actually Additions: r137

this isn't a bug, rather, an unintended interaction between the two mods.

This happens a lot and the devs in charge of Ender IO can not prevent other mod devs from doing this sort of thing other then by asking nicely.

There are modes like crafttweaker/minetweaker that allow you to disable one or the other recipes if you consider this unbalanced.


@SplitInfinitive It really seems like a dev should be able to control what recipes get added to their blocks, excluding CraftTweaker. Actually Additions doesn't force this recipe on EnderIO; it's added by EnderIO and can be changed by the dev.


But it's literally a compatibility with actually additions. It's supposed to be balanced to actually additions.


the grinding recipe is added by ender IO, the smelting one is added by Actually Additions. What I'm saying is that neither mod's devs can force the other to remove their recipe for balance reasons. nor should they have the right to.


yes, it is. And the grinding recipe in Ender IO is balanced against ender io, which has no way to turn the ground quartz back into regular quartz. Your argument is somewhat flawed because it applies to both sides equally.


Uh, did you read what I just said? The EnderIO grinding recipe is a compatibility with actually additions, and it's supposed to be balanced to actually additions, since it's a compatibility with actually additions. I should not have to explain why a duplication exploit as result of a compat addon needs to be fixed.


Ender IO adds a grinding recipe as a compatability with ITSELF. have you seen the chassis recipes? If Actually Additions is NOT installed, ender IO uses it's own nether quartz dust.


Then why break with modding standards? CrazyPants should know that any dustX oredict will have a smelting recipe to smelt it into the non-dust form added by a mod. There's no reason to go against modding standards while using the inter-operability system that's meant for conforming to standards.


@Boundarybreaker this is not modding standard for lapis, quartz and one other dust I can't remember right now. Ender IO has had these grinding recipes for a long time for itself, and the smelting recipes are added by actually additions. These smelting recipes break convention and came after Ender IO's grinding recipes.

Solutions for this issue are being discussed, so we will keep you posted.

P.S. CrazyPants is not active any more, so please don't blame him :).


Huh. My mistake, then. Sorry ^^'