Ender Fluid Conduits are permanently in Round Robin mode
vdrake77 opened this issue ยท 6 comments
Issue Description:
Enderio Ender Fluid Conduits are in round robin mode and can't have that feature turned off
What happens:
If you set Enderio Fluid conduits to disable round robin, it goes back to enabled as soon as you leave.
What you expected to happen:
Put fluid the tanks according to priority
Steps to reproduce:
1.Open conduit
2.Click to disable round robin
3.Close conduit gui
4.Open it up again
5.Round Robin is enabled again
Affected Versions (Do not use "latest"):
- EnderIO: 5.0.29
- EnderCore: 5.35
- Minecraft: 1.12.2
- Forge: 2730
This still seems to happen with EnderIO-1.12.2-5.0.38.
I'm extracting from IC2 solar distillers and (round robin is disabled on all extraction points for the 'brown' channel) inserting into an EnderIO tank (16 bucket capacity - about ~9 buckets in it) with priority 1 and into an IC2 canning machine with priority -1 - and both the tank and the canning machine gets filled.
Matthias, did you make sure that the insert limit of the high prio target is not saturated? Because if the one high prio target cannot take everything that can be transferred, the rest will go into lower prio targets.
That seems like confusing behavior - and since there is not sticky mode it cannot be avoided. Perhaps it should be rethought?
@HenryLoenwind I wasn't aware that the EnderIO tank had an insert limit - I know it has a limit for how fast it will pull/push on it's own. But then again the solar distillers only produce ~1mB/second (ie really slow) - and with ~20 of these the inserts I saw was not higher than 10mB/t. These distillers have their own tick schedule based on when they have been placed. Also when I disconnected the canning machine all fluid was successfully inserted into the tank.
@EpicSquid fixed?