Ender IO Zoo

Ender IO Zoo


Farming station bugs

tyler489 opened this issue ยท 6 comments


Issue Description:

  1. Axes with "fork" upgrade go in the hoe slot but do not get used as a hoe
  2. Axes that are empowered use Durrability AND power
  3. When planting saplings HOE is used
  4. Farming Station displays No power when no capacitor is installed
  5. when using an octodatic capacitor then clicking the machine with a basic capacitor the range of the farming station is not decreased till the machine is broken and replaced
  • EnderIO:v29
  • EnderCore:v35
  • Minecraft: 1.2.12
  • Forge: 2739
  1. Farming Station has no special support for DS tools => new feature
  2. DS tools only have a chance of using power instead of durability. Are you sure that's not what you're seeing here?
  3. It would use its hands if it had some...
  4. Energy buffer size is 0, so this is technically correct
  5. To be investigated, probably a bug
  1. Ok
  2. it was using both power and durrability in the same tick
  3. Fair....
  4. would it be possible to display no capacitor
  5. Yay 1/5

re 2: I'll have a look
re 4: yes, => new feature


Conduit ignores MAX stack size of farming station bonemeal... aka a basic capacitor only allows for 16 bonemeal in each slot... but conduits push in a stack in each.... is that a conduit bug or farming station bug


Using a Chest and telling the Farming Station to input from that side also exceeds the stack limit for Bonemeal, so I would assume it's with the Farming Station.


The issue with the fertilizer slots is the other way around. Fertilizer slots are not limited, but IInventory doesn't support limits per slot, only one global limit for the whole inventory.

Changed the GUI to bypass IInventory and talk to the machine directly.