Limited item filter doesn't work in Vacuum Chest
bigbluu722 opened this issue ยท 0 comments
Issue Description:
Vacuum chest with limiting filter lets all items through even though only a specific count is specified.
What happens:
All items go through even when a certain number is set to be allowed.
What you expected to happen:
Only x number of items was allowed to go into the vacuum chest with said limited item filter.
Steps to reproduce:
- Place vacuum chest
- place limited item filter inside
- set said limit of x item
- drop items on top, all items are picked up
Affected Versions (Do not use "latest"):
- EnderIO: 5.0.29
- EnderCore: 0.5.35
- Minecraft: 1.12.2
- Forge:
- SpongeForge? no
- Optifine? no
- Server? yes
I've attached a clip of said issue here:
Dropbox Video Link