We got new Chinese translation !
ReginaAlcazar opened this issue · 6 comments
EnderIO has been translated into Chinese!
The version is EnderIO-1.12.2-5.0.26.
If you still haven't lang file for Chinese yet, please add this translation into your mod :)
I was summoned before I decided to go to bed.
Had a look in about 10 minutes (midnight 0:30am here at the time I am typing this), I am still not sure on this one. So... here comes a list of questions towards @ReginaAlcazar.
cat -n
is your friend
paste bin is your friend, too.
So here it is, paste bin version https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/qwMc8Dw8tT/
- 1852 行和
的 1174 行(计空行)对不上。合并了enderio-machine
,你好像落后了 5 个版本。 - 有部分未翻译文本。
- 有部分翻译…… 值得商榷。举个例子,如果没有记错的话,之前的翻译中有这么一条
enderio.config.farm.tooltip="The commune is for life!"
(approx. Long live the commune!)。再比如明显的失误tile.block_wired_charger.tooltip.detailed.line1=Charges items with µI
(charge 同时有“收费”和“充电”的意思,这里是“充电”)。又例如tile.block_crafter.name=工匠
,能用“工匠”这个词形容一个方块吗? #
是某个机器的名字,sag mill
也是一个设备的名字…… 机翻吗?
1736 # Types. smelting=合金冶炼速度,
1737 # area=所有机器“区域”属性(例如农场),
1738 # green=种植区, red=斯特林发电机发电,MOBBY=生成加速,
1739 # crushed=落锤磨机速度, cleancut=剪接'速度,tight=灵魂绑定速度,AA =画家,
1740 # wet=大桶, kaboom=燃烧原子能Gen,FATMAN =原子弹的代号
1741 #在长崎上空爆炸
- (我希望这不是酒石酸(@TartaricAcid)的 Weblate 上的那个版本……)请问这个版本的汉化是你自制的吗?
@3TUSK ?
@3TUSK @HenryLoenwind
-----------------------Why the translation is badly----------------------
This translation was finished two month ago by admin team of my server.
At that time there's no chinese lang file in this mod.
So we decided to translate it by ourselves.
There are three members in our team.
We divided the tasks.
The file was divided into three parts.
As a high school student I translated carefully without using translation sites , so do another teammate.
But one of us are a middle school student.
He translated the part he is in duty by using "baidu translation".
That's where problem comes out. XD
---------Why we decided to send this poor translation to you----------
1、We thought there's still no chinese translation of this mod.
2、We just want to help,and it might help a little bit :)
----------------------------Why so late-------------------------------
Only one reason.
We are unwilling to let other server surpass ours.
Yeah... dont use Translation sites..... they get it wrong alot... thats why enderio doesn't have infinite translations.
见 #4839。
我能理解你想帮忙的心情,但提交给 Mod 开发者的汉化不是给一个服务器用的,而是给所有用中文的 EnderIO 玩家用的,因此翻译的时候要慎重。有兴趣的话,可以考虑了解一下 @TartaricAcid 的汉化资源包项目。
#4839 should supersede this one - at least, for enderio-base
. I need time to have a look at #4839 too...