Ender IO Zoo

Ender IO Zoo


Ender IO is not playing nicely with Liteloader

CanCallMeLJ opened this issue · 7 comments


Issue Description:

What happens:

So I'm trying to install liteloader into the Direwolf20 pack. I've taken the .jar file and put it into my "mods" folder. Afterwards I load minecraft up and it gives me an Ender IO Fatal Recipee Error. I have updated Ender IO, Ender Core, and Refined Storage. I've done 3 fresh installs and still the same problem. It crashes before I get to the main screen of Minecraft but the app doesn't close.

What you expected to happen:

I expect it to load up and play like normal allowing me to use .litemod

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Download Direwolf20 pack
  2. Download Liteloader and put the .jar file in the "mods" folder
  3. Run the game

Affected Versions (Do not use "latest"):

  • EnderIO: 1.12.2-5.0.31
  • EnderCore: 1.12.2-0.5.37
  • Minecraft: 12.2.2
  • Forge:
  • SpongeForge? No
  • Optifine? No
  • Single Player and/or Server? Don't get that far

Your most recent log file where the issue was present:



Do you have diet hoppers? It replaces the default hopper block with it's own in the registry, which liteloader causes a compatibility issue with because we want to use the hopper in our recipe but it isn't there. Either remove diet hoppers or remove lite loader.


I removed Diet Hoppers and it gets all the way to 7/7 on loading the mods and sits there for about 30 seconds. Then it crashes.


https://pastebin.com/KHRb8fjD This is the crash report after removing Diet Hoppers and FoamFix. I removed Diet Hoppers and it said I needed to remove FoamFix or replace it with the Legacy Edition but there is no Legacy Edition for 1.12.2. So I just removed it.


This is not an issue with ender io, but with lite loader. Please talk to them


Well you haven't provided me any new Information and your second crash is completely unrelated to us. Please stop commenting on a closed issue. We have told you a fix for what we are involved with and the rest is up to lite loader and diet hoppers.


Also, never do a "someone said that-and-that" without linking to it.