Crash on start up
Daimerion opened this issue ยท 4 comments
Issue Description:
After adding Mek 9 to this pack it crashes everytime
What happens:
What you expected to happen:
Steps to reproduce:
Affected Versions (Do not use "latest"):
- EnderIO:1.12.2-5.0.33
- EnderCore:1.12.2-0.2.39
- Minecraft:1.12.2
- SpongeForge? no
- Optifine? no
- Single Player
Your most recent log file where the issue was present:
your pastebin is complaining about a lack of owl eggs for ender zoo. Please remove ender zoo and replace it with ender io zoo (now released on curseforge)
Deleted the config and mod files of Ender Zoo and then added Ender IO Zoo. Same crash unfortunately. As stated this didn't start until adding Mek 9. IE: I remove Mek 9 and no crash.....
In case it's not the same, here's a new paste bin of the latest crash
I figured it out. Not sure why it throws Ender IO crashes, but it was Mekanism API. Removed and no crash. Didn't even realize I had the api in there. Apologies for time wasted, although I still find it interesting.