[Information needed] Powered spawner showing "no space found" and "no viable space"
chris42 opened this issue ยท 7 comments
Issue Description:
I updated my own server to newer version of EnderIO. Since then the powered spawners stopped working. They show the error "no space found" and "no viable space".
However to the placing in the world nothing changed and I checked with McEdit, there is nothing else around the spawners.
I saw some July commits, changing the spawners, however not sure what that does.
When I move them to other places in the world, they spawn as expected, however not in this (and some other) place.
Hence I assume it is some other rule that is now active, preventing the spawning.
How do I find out what it is? Can I activate some debugging?
What happens:
No spawning
What you expected to happen:
Spawning should happen
Steps to reproduce:
Not applicable
Affected Versions (Do not use "latest"):
- EnderIO: 1.12.2-5.0.31
- EnderCore: 1.12.2-0.5.37
- Minecraft: 1.12.2
- Forge:
- SpongeForge? no
- Optifine? no
- Server
Your most recent log file where the issue was present:
Nothing in logs
do you have something blocking spawns in that area... like a mega torch or that astral sorcery ritual? also i would recomend using enderio 5.0.33
I checked for mega torches, could not find any, even removed the mod from the server. I don't have astral sorcery in the mods.
After updating to EnderIO 5.0.33 I now get a third error message: "Denied by another mod"
How can I find out which mod?
No real way to tell. How about environmental controler from rftools with a peaceful module
Or a peace candle... from... random things? I think?
That solved it, thanks. I am slightly confused. So the flood lights prevent spawning even when turned off?
Will ask that over at immersive engineering...
The third msg should replace the first 2 in newer versions if something is blocming it
Is there anything I can add to the code to figure this?
I really have no idea on what could be preventing spawning. In the beginning I used mega torches, but as said, all removed and even the mod uninstalled. Otherwise there is only the following in that area:
- Immersive Engineering flood lights
- Redstone controller from RF Tools
- Wither spawner, RFTools Shields
- Mob Crusher
- Ender Chests
In wider area you have a lot of machinery for Ore processing, ME Core, etc. however nothing I could consider spawn relevant.
Also it worked in the old version?! And is it normal, that I have all three error messages at the same time?