Ender IO Zoo

Ender IO Zoo


Ender Bow doesn't work with Thermal Innovation's Alchemical Quiver

Opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Issue Description:

Ender Bow doesn't work with Thermal Innovation's Alchemical Quiver.

What happens:

Ender Bow doesn't recognize Alchemical Quiver as ammo source and pretends there's no ammo at all in inventory. Even if equipped Quiver in offhand. However vanilla Bow works and Thermal Expansion's Reinforced Bow too.

What you expected to happen:

Ender Bow fire arrows from Alchemical Quiver either it's imbuing activated (tipped arrows) or not (normal arrows).

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Install Thermal Innovation and it's dependencies.
  2. Spawn Alchemical Quiver from creative. You may use Creative one also.
  3. Spawn a potion (any)
  4. Spawn Ender Bow (charged)
  5. Craft Alchemical Quiver with potion to charge it
  6. If Alchemical Quiver is not creative, spawn some arrows to inventory and use Alchemical Quiver while it's in hand to charge it
  7. Place charged (but not imbued) Alchemical Quiver in offhand
  8. Select Ender Bow from hotbar
  9. Enter Survival mode
  10. Open fire to the nearby test subject
  11. ...
  12. Nothing happens
  13. Activate Alchemical Quiver imbuing and place it back to offhand
  14. Open fire to the nearby test subject
  15. ...
  16. Nothing happens.
  17. Vanilla bow still works.

Make sure you don't have any free arrows in player inventory except the ones in the Quiver.

Affected Versions (Do not use "latest"):

  • EnderIO: 5.0.36
  • EnderCore: 1.12.2-0.5.41
  • Minecraft: 1.12.2
  • Forge:
  • SpongeForge? no
  • Optifine? yes (does not matter on this case, not a rendering issue)
  • Single Player, haven't tested on Server.

Your most recent log file where the issue was present:



Not a bug. it Doesn't just magically work and from what henry was saying on discord probably not going to happen.


@tyler489 Why does henry say it won't happen? It seems like it should be a reasonably easy fix. The project already has imported the CoFH core and is even using methods from it in the dark steel bow class itself. Adding the potion effect stuff may be a bit more of a pain, but you can get a good idea of what to write there from the thermal expansion bow's code.

If there's no design reason for it to not exist, I could work on adding this.


Update on this:

I had a very good look at the bow code (for other reasons) today. There are enough hooks in there to implement a quiver that doesn't need special support by other mods. Any item that extends ItemArrow has full control over (a) if its stack should be shrunk when fired or not and (b) what arrow entity is created (at which time it can shrink its arrow count). Only annoying thing is that if one wants to make the arrow pickupable, one needs to have ones own arrow entity class---the bow code links that flag with the stack shrinking.