[Suggestion] Add a method to measure item transfer rates to ender conduits
chuggafan opened this issue ยท 2 comments
Essentially, I'd like to have the ability to measure how many items are going through the network in a given time frame, e.g. past 60 seconds or so, this would allow me to use the conduits as an easy way to compare the speed of various setups in mods for item production rates (e.g. How fast are Roost's chickens compared to Mystical agriculture in terms of production).
Thinking about this more, it should be expanded to: "Measure transfer rates of items/fluids" so that we know the actual production rate of both, as others could use that as well.
The easiest method would probably be measure a specific conduit only that's pulling and save the average rate on that one, but that's... a bit weak overall and seems weird, to be honest thinking more into it the best way would be different for extraction/insertion points, where insertion points calculate how much over time they received and extraction having sent out, since these values would differ in large networks of conduits.
Also tyler: pretty good, the entire reason for this was because I wanted to measure EMC rates on stoneblock for server health & SP efficiency, ironically.