(Maybe) Problem between EnderIO and Extreme Reactors
Horf opened this issue ยท 2 comments
#### Issue Description:
After relogging into the game/on the server (There is a serverrestart everyday at 4 AM) there is always energy consumed from the reactor (Extreme Reactors), even though there are 9 advanced solar panels from EnderIO connected to the same capacitor banks. There is a buffer for nights and the solar panels alone are producing enough for all connected machines -> more energy input as output. The reactor is just there for backup or to give additional power for using a powered spawner.
Is there a kind of "priority"? The reaktor is connected via 2! energy conduits with the capacitor bank and the solar panels are way farer away from it.
#### What happens:
Sometime it helps to remove one conduit (one of the solar panel OR one of the reactor) and rebuild it to stop the energy consuming from the reactor, but most of the time i try many different things and at some point it works out.
#### What you expected to happen:
Because there is enough energy given through the solarpanels ther should no energy put out of the reactors energy buffer, because at this point it is not needed (of course I could deactivat the reactor completely, but this is not, what I want).
#### Steps to reproduce:
- Restart (intended or unintended to e.g. to another error) of the server
#### Affected Versions (Do not use "latest"):
- EnderIO: 1.12.2-5.0.39
- EnderCore: 1.12.2-0.5.44
- Minecraft: 1.12.2
- Forge: 1.12.2-
- SpongeForge? yes/no -> No
- Optifine? yes/no -> Yes
- Single Player and/or Server? -> Server
#### Your most recent log file where the issue was present:
I don't have one, 'cause there is no crash to this issue.
The oder in which energy sources try to send energy to other block is determined by vanilla code (tick order) and is practically random. Nothing we can do there.
@Horf you can control that using energy buffer, power monitor and redstone control to only enable energy output of the buffer when the cap bank (feed by your solar panels) is low enough.