Ender IO Zoo

Ender IO Zoo


Conduit Probe Copy-paste not functioning for redstone conduits

LuciusV opened this issue · 6 comments


Issue Description:

I had 5 bioreactors + 32 biofuel generators from Industrial Foregoing, having decided to make them turnable on/off I connected redstone conduits to them.
Conduit probe does not change Redstone Conduit settings if copypasted in copypaste mode.

What happens:

Message that settings gave been copied appears, but in fact settings are intact

What you expected to happen:

Settings changed

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Make something with redstone conduits and try to copypaste settings


Affected Versions (Do not use "latest"):

  • EnderIO: EnderIO-1.12.2-5.0.39
  • EnderCore: EnderCore-1.12.2-0.5.43
  • Forge: 1.12.2-

After go through the code and some test, I found the problem is coming from that the redstone conduit has not acctually connected to the target machine when placed, thus can’t the settings be pasted.

Work around: manually ensure the connect by check the output in the config UI, then paste the settings


I think no conduit can have its settings pasted when it does not have a connecting "arm"? Is that really the issue reported here?


Arm is created along with other conduit (like energy conduit or item conduit), and the default setting enables the input but still not connected


@HenryLoenwind Is it applicable to paste settings in all possible conduit besides of the already conntected? Like condition used in here.


Ok, there are multiple issues here:

  1. The check to only paste settings for conduits that can actually connect doesn't have the special "redstone can connect to everything" logic
  2. The conduit gui for redstone conduits shows "input" as checked when the conduit is not connected at all

I'm on it.


Fixed in .46