Ender IO Zoo

Ender IO Zoo


1.13/1.14 plans

Zhythero opened this issue ยท 8 comments



First of all, thank you so much for the dedication in making this mod.

I would just like to ask if what are the plans/thoughts/status about having this mod in more recent versions of MC 1.13 (above)?

Thanks for your time.


It will be ported eventually... i mean forge doesnt even have a recomended build yet.


Fluids were reimplemented in #5983
I'll consider this accomplished once #6098 is done and merged.

Calling this done. If there's something we missed in the current implementation, feel free to open followup issues.

Fluid capabilities


Now that forge has been updated, do you have an estimate for when this will be done?


Still no RB for Forge. Last I checked, the fluid API was still unavailable as well.

Now that vanilla has (apparently) finished with 1.14, forge may be able to get itself caught up. Maybe.


What about now?


I too would love to see this in 1.15.2 - been puttering around with Botania, Immersive Engineering, and Refined Storage (plus a few QOL mods like JEI and Journeymap) but EnderIO is one of the few mods that I personally feel is a must-have.


Read Pin Message on its Discord
Here is A quick link

EnderIO will be ported eventually, But there is only one person working on EnderIO and he doesn't want to port EIO alone, bc it's huge mod, So the other dev's have there own mods first, So don't expect EnderIO for 1.15.x and Future Version of forge for awhile and won't be backported. Also 1.14.x is being skipped.


ripperoni enderio-oni. I was hoping for any update? I would love to include your mod in a 1.15.2 modpack.