Ender IO Zoo

Ender IO Zoo


Step assist message Bug and doesn’t disappear. And Padding Sound Bugs with dynsurroundings

SirAron111 opened this issue · 18 comments


Issue Description:

The Step assist may be disabled by other mod messages keeps popping up infinitely overlapping with itself. Even thought step assist isn’t even disabled and the boots work fine but the moment you put them on you end up with this.

Also the Padding add-on still makes the game sound completely go insane. Can’t you implement a option to disable certain add-ons? For the armors?

What happens:

The Step assist may be disabled by other mod messages keeps popping up infinitely overlapping with itself. Even thought step assist isn’t even disabled and the boots work fine but the moment you put them on you end up with this.

Also the Padding add-on still makes the game sound completely go insane. Can’t you implement a option to disable certain add-ons? For the armors?

What you expected to happen:

The message to pop up once after boots equipping and then disappearing or not popping up at all!

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Go into creative mode
  2. Grab the armor
  3. Put it on


Affected Versions (Do not use "latest"):

  • EnderIO: Ender IO - 5.0.43
  • EnderCore: EnderCore - 1.12.2-0.5.52
  • Minecraft: 1.12.2
  • Forge:
  • Optifine? with and witouth
  • Server and Singleplayer

Your most recent log file where the issue was present:

[pastebin/gist/etc link here]


Playing on Stoneblock 1.0.37 on a small multiplayer server. EnderIO version 5.1.55 on the server and client side. Experiencing this issue again.


make a new proper report or read the rotting one you just commented on please


If the message pops up all the time, that is because some other mod interferes with it all the time. It only gets send to the status line when the step height is set, either because step assist was turned on or because some other mod changed it, and a mod is installed that is known to forcefully disable it.


m ok but is there an option to disable the message? Since there isn’t actually a conflict and the step up works fine I would like to disable the message for my Modpack.

Same as an option to disable certain add-ons the incompatibility for padding and any mod that tweaks around sounds or adds custom noises is game breaking as there isn’t even a toggle button for padding like there is for other things like nigh vision. You basically have to throw away your helmet if you add it. As it will always turn the game sounds into crossfire of noises like you are in the middle of a war zone.


@HenryLoenwind I’m having the same issue with the step assist.

I updated from version 5.0.40 of Ender IO to 5.0.43 and from version 0.5.45 of EnderCore to 0.5.45 and updated, added, or removed no other mods (aside from updating JEI and two of its add-ons), and this started happening.

Here’s a video of what it looks like. The message keeps appearing and is, as SirAron111 described, infinitely overlapping. And just like for him, step assist is working perfectly fine for me. The message is extremely distracting, though, as it never goes away.

This did not happen before I updated to the latest versions of Ender IO and EnderCore. There has to be something wrong in the latest update of either mod, considering I didn’t update, add, or remove any other mod (other than JEI and a couple add-ons, as mentioned).


Oh. So, whatever error is occurring was there all along, then; it just wasn’t being shown.

Still, for me and many other people, step assist isn’t broken. The message says “Step Assist may be disabled by another mod,” but it’s not disabled. Step assist is working just fine. It’s a non-issue. The real issue is Ender IO’s message itself, as it’s distracting and never goes away. Even if there were a problem with the step assist, I wouldn’t want to see it constantly appearing on my screen and never going away. I also have no way to tell what mod is causing the “conflict” as I’ve seen no errors in the console.

Currently, I have no option but to either downgrade to the previous version of Ender IO (which I don’t want to do since the latest version fixed a bug related to the vacuum chest) and never update the mod again or to live with a never-ending stream of “Step Assist may be disabled by another mod.”

I really love Ender IO; it’s one of the best mods out there, but I’d love a config option to disable the message, as it’s pretty annoying to deal with. 😄


I have isolated the conflict to this mod:


Minecraft 1.12.2 with only this mods loaded:

Forge Mod Loader version

This happens:

2019-04-10_03 35 45

But step assist is actually working fine. When I disable step assist by using the assigned hotkey to the dark steel armor "Step Assist" I cannot climb steps:

2019-04-10_03 35 58

The clienttweaks mod config is the default one:

2019-04-10_03 34 41

And I assigned a hotkey to step assist:

2019-04-10_03 35 29

And MC auto-jump is set to OFF:

2019-04-10_03 35 17

So it seems that Ender IO is determining that step-assist is disabled when it is actually not disabled, or the clienttweaks mod is setting some value incorrectly.


Posting comment here (and in the other step assist topic) instead of creating a new issue
I am using another mod for step assist in my pack, so there is constantly a message on the screen saying, "Step Assist may be disabled by another mod." until I toggle step assist of the DarkSteel armor (after every world load, which is often for me) I would ask for there at least to be an option to disable this error message.


No. If the error message is displayed, some mod is breaking the step height value. We don't have a way to know which, though it sounds like you have a good idea. Maybe report it to them.


Step assist still works fine. The message keeps appearing and never goes away, yet step assist isn’t broken.

Some mod may be interfering with how step assist works in Ender IO, but as previously mentioned, this didn’t start happening until I updated to version 5.0.43 of Ender IO. There has to be a change in version 5.0.43 of Ender IO (or a change in version 0.5.45 of EnderCore) that affects step assist.


The change was that msg was added... after several reports about it being broken with X Mod


That makes sense, as I, too, have Client Tweaks installed.

Hopefully, this bug can be fixed, whether it’s on Client Tweaks’ end or on Ender IO’s end.


EnderIO's condition for resetting the step height is broken.


The code posting the message and setting the stepHeight for step-assist runs if stepHeight is below MAGIC_STEP_HEIGHT (etc.).

Next tick, stepHeight will still be equal to MAGIC_STEP_HEIGHT - causing the else if-block to run, which resets the stepHeight back to 0.6, even if the player is wearing Dark Steel Armor. Repeat from there.


There are many mods that mess with step assist for example I have client tweaks and everlasting abilities as well as ice and fire mod they all do something to step assist. But the assist still works fine and the option for the darksteel boots step assist and the toggle on/off work fine as well it’s just that the message pops up. If it ever didn’t work for some people making modpacks or the like and they complained they didn’t bother to check the config of the mods messing with step height etc.

But I still would like to have a config option to enable/disable this message on the ender io part. Since for a Modpack maker it’s hard to fix something that works fine but adding in a option to disable a display of a message shouldn’t be too hard to implement in the next update of ender io/ ender core.

Of course you could go to every mod dev that messes with step height and step assist in the future and now and tell them to make it fit the Ender io mod so the message doesn’t pop up even thought their step assist function works fine. But that doesn’t sound as easy as this config option implementation. Is what I think at least?

It’s the same as how there is no toggle for the padding effect it conflicts with nearly every mod that adds sounds and simply having a toggle like for step assist/night vision would solve the issue.

(I also miss the option to make the ender io armors unbreakable when powered since mobs in my pack do such high amounts of dmg the armor breaks faster than the charge round out)


It looks like this was fixed in version 5.0.44 of Ender IO.
The changelog says “Fixed step assist logic.”


If you add ProjectE to Omnifactory, the message keeps popping up. It's very annoying.


This bug still exists and is so annoying.


well, you found thios report, why don't you read it then?

how do you expect it to work? A) report a message to let you know there is an issue or b) silently fail, creating the same issue about the upgrade not working?!