Random crash where screen goes blue, no UI or anything
C4J3 opened this issue ยท 5 comments
So I went to mess with my power setup after my Mekanism Fusion Reactor shut off randomly and my screen just went sky blue. no UI, no nothing. Game crashes after trying to load the world now with the same screen. Vanilla Fix means the crash goes to main menu with the crash report.
No idea how specifically to reproduce sorry.
Note: MC version 1.12.2 so I'm leaving that part off of the mod version names.
- EnderIO: 5.0.43
- EnderCore: 0.5.52
- Minecraft: 1.12.2
- Forge:
- SpongeForge? no
- Optifine? no
latest.log included as .zip attachment
um, I may have posted the class name from the stack trace without trying to map it to a mod name there... sry
Also as a side note, Vanilla fix recognises the 'culprits' as EnderIO and every EnderIO module (RS Conduits, EIO Machines, EIO compats etc.) instead of just EnderIO or one of the modules. Is this easy to fix; a VanillaFix issue; or just a result of the design of the mod? would be nice if it can be fixed for clarity but is just an afterthought :)
That's a bug in WandWorker, report it to them: They are creating an empty itemstack of one of our items, which I'm 99% sure isn't their intention (because it makes no sense).
(Same root cause as #5086)
PS; And about "VanillaFix", from a modders standpoint that mod causes more issues than it fixes.
@HenryLoenwind I don't have a mod by that name installed but googling it comes up with BetterBuildersWands. Do you know if they're the same or is it some part of a different mod entirely?
Edit: ignore me it literally says in the report it's part of BBW core by Jim... ๐คฆโโ๏ธ