Ender IO Zoo

Ender IO Zoo


Wither skele powered spawner does spawn

MrCjGames opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Issue Description:

when i use any spawning type machine ive tried the powered spawner and draconic spawner to try to spawn wither skele but it says its denied by a mod anyone know whats doing this im on direwold20 pack
2019-04-15_04 29 57


You have a mod installed that says "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, I FORBID IT. IT AIN'T ALLOWED!! IT'S VERBOTEN!!!" when we try to spawn a mob.

Simple as that.


so theres no way to get rid of it? so just do a normal skele spawner on the nether and do it that way then?


Or find whatever mod is stopping spawns in that area