ender IO Crash
aervin85 opened this issue ยท 1 comments
Issue Description:
When playing, the game crashed without being prompted by anything I can determine. I attempted to reload the game and it gave the same crash information detailed in the screenshot. The day prior a Java update did come through which may be the problem, however, I was able to load Stoneblock 1 without issue on the updated version of Java..
What happens: Game crashes when I attempt to load it
What you expected to happen: Load save file and play the game
Steps to reproduce:
- Click on my file and load the game
- Game crashes
Affected Versions:
- EnderIO: 5.0.43
- EnderCore: 1.12.2-0.5.57
- Minecraft: Stoneblock 1.11.0
- Forge:
- SpongeForge? No
- Optifine? No
- Single Player and/or Server? Single player