Ender IO Zoo

Ender IO Zoo


[Suggestion] Ore Dictionary filter

Programie opened this issue ยท 2 comments


It would be nice to have a filter which can use Ore Dictionary strings (containing placeholders like "*" or even regular expressions).

For example to only allow ores to go into a chest, I would like to add this filter and enter "ore*" into a text box. Similar to the ME Ore Dictionary Export Bus from ExtraCells 2 (AE2 add-on).


Thank you for your suggestion, but we manage suggestions on http://ideas.theideawall.com/EnderIO

This ticket will be closed because we want the list of open tickets to reflect known issues.


OK, sorry for posting it as an issue on GitHub. Thanks for the hint, I will post it as a suggestion on The Idea Wall.

Edit: Posted it on The Idea Wall: https://ideas.theideawall.com/EnderIO/Forum/TopicDetails/d885a213-3eec-489f-9dc9-d2b6afea0971