Ender IO Zoo

Ender IO Zoo


Endergy’s alloy ingots not appearing in JEI

Dimentive opened this issue · 8 comments


Issue description

The alloy ingots added by Ender IO Endergy (crystalline alloy ingot, melodic alloy ingot, and stellar alloy ingot) do not appear in Just Enough Items. Other items from Endergy do appear in JEI (some other items may be missing, but I haven’t noticed any others yet), but none of its four alloy ingots appears. Base Ender IO’s alloy ingots still appear. I can also see Endergy’s alloy ingots by looking at the recipes for items that require them and by looking at the uses of an item used to craft one of them. They’re also perfectly craftable. They just don’t appear when searching for them in JEI.

Endergy – Alloys not appearing in JEI

What happens

Endergy’s alloy ingots don’t appear in JEI.

What I expected to happen

I expected Endergy’s alloy ingots to appear in JEI.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Download EnderCore, Ender IO, Endergy, and Just Enough Items.
  2. Search for “alloy ingot” in JEI.
  3. Witness Endergy’s alloy ingots not appearing.


  • Minecraft: 1.12.2
  • Forge:
  • EnderCore: 0.5.57
  • Ender IO: 5.0.44
  • Ender IO Endergy: 5.0.44
  • Just Enough Items:
  • SpongeForge: No
  • OptiFine: No
  • Single-player and/or server: Single-player, no server

I already did; they’re not hidden in JEI. It might be an issue with this particular Forge version (2816) or this particular JEI version (277). It could also be caused by one of the other mods that I have installed. I have no clue.


Can you provide a modlist?


I have not been able to reproduce the issue, on Forge version 2838 and JEI version 279. Check that they're not hidden in JEI (by its item hiding option, or with a mod like CraftTweaker or GameStages).

Mod list – Click to expand

Doesn’t include library mods.


Would you be willing to test with a development build of Ender IO? If so, I'd make one that prints information on stuff we hide in JEI. That'd allow us to determine if there's something wrong on our end, or if we need to find the needle in that haystack of mods.




Ok, I added the messages. When starting the game they will show up in the logfile shortly before the main menu is shown.

This is how your missing alloys look when Endergy is not installed:

[00:00:58] [main/WARN] [enderio]: Hiding ingredient in JEI: 1xitem.item_alloy_endergy_nugget@0
[00:00:58] [main/WARN] [enderio]: Hiding ingredient in JEI: 1xitem.item_alloy_endergy_nugget@0
[00:00:58] [main/WARN] [enderio]: Hiding ingredient in JEI: 1xitem.item_alloy_endergy_nugget@1
[00:00:58] [main/WARN] [enderio]: Hiding ingredient in JEI: 1xitem.item_alloy_endergy_nugget@1
[00:00:58] [main/WARN] [enderio]: Hiding ingredient in JEI: 1xitem.item_alloy_endergy_nugget@2
[00:00:58] [main/WARN] [enderio]: Hiding ingredient in JEI: 1xitem.item_alloy_endergy_nugget@2
[00:00:58] [main/WARN] [enderio]: Hiding ingredient in JEI: 1xitem.item_alloy_endergy_nugget@3
[00:00:58] [main/WARN] [enderio]: Hiding ingredient in JEI: 1xitem.item_alloy_endergy_nugget@3
[00:00:58] [main/WARN] [enderio]: Hiding ingredient in JEI: 1xitem.item_alloy_endergy_nugget@4
[00:00:58] [main/WARN] [enderio]: Hiding ingredient in JEI: 1xitem.item_alloy_endergy_nugget@4
[00:00:58] [main/WARN] [enderio]: Hiding ingredient in JEI: 1xitem.item_alloy_endergy_nugget@5
[00:00:58] [main/WARN] [enderio]: Hiding ingredient in JEI: 1xitem.item_alloy_endergy_nugget@5
[00:00:58] [main/WARN] [enderio]: Hiding ingredient in JEI: 1xitem.item_alloy_endergy_nugget@6
[00:00:58] [main/WARN] [enderio]: Hiding ingredient in JEI: 1xitem.item_alloy_endergy_nugget@6

You can get the test version at https://ci.tterrag.com/job/EnderIO-Modules/job/EnderIO-Hourly/963/ in half an hour or so.


PS: I copied the lines for the nugget by accident, shouldn't make a difference, nuggets, ingot, blocks and grinding balls are handled together.