Bug:Inhibitor Obelisk is not working
jagabata22 opened this issue ยท 6 comments
What happens:
Inhibitor Obelisk is not working
What you expected to happen:
Steps to reproduce:
Inhibitor Obelisk function will not work at the following times:
When returning to Overworld from another dimension
When you enter the world
When the player is dead and respawn
MODPACK:Modern skyblock3 Departed Ver.3.6.0
Minecraft Version:1.12.2
(Normal world, not MODPACK WORLD)
Minecraft Version:1.12.2
- SpongeForge? yes/no
- Optifine: NO
- Single Player: Single
inhibitor obelisk stops enderman and other monster from teleporting
i'm also using it under my mob farm and it work just fine
i think leaving the
What you expected to happen:
part empty is the biggest issue here :)
please be mor specific with "what" is not working and what you expect it should do, maybe it's just a misunderstanding
Inhibitor prevents teleporting, it does not prevent logging in or respawning---nor does it promote it would.
For dimension travelling: There is no way to hook into that to prevent it aside from blocking travelling to a dimension completely. We'd be happy to add this, but you need to first get Forge to add a suitable hook/event.
Inhibitor Obelisk function will not work at the following times:
When returning to Overworld from another dimension
When you enter the world
When the player is dead and respawn
so these thing do not do any of this there use prevent teleportation like travel anchors enderman travel staff and sword ender fluid and so much more that involves teleporting