Limited Item Filter Suggestion
Xyrys opened this issue ยท 4 comments
Issue Description:
Could we get behaviour for limited Item Filter changed by an extra button added so if you set it to say 2, it will only insert if there is 2 of the item to be inserted.
What happens:
Atm the filter works by inserting up to the number specified, not THE number specified. So if you set it to 2, and only have 1 it will insert it. The problem here is if your load sharing, say a multi machine processing setup the situation arises where you input 1 in one machine and say 14 in another but you need a total of 15 to begin the process. Even with it set to a higher multiple say 16 if you needed 4 per process, it can put 13 in one machine and 3 in another, even with a cascading set of priorities.
However when filter is put in the export slot it works perfectly. if you set 2 it will only send if 2 are available.. But this makes it tedious in the extreme.
What you expected to happen:
I would like for it to only insert the number specified if you select for that to happen.
Just a little quality of life suggestion.
Tried that. Its excellent btw. However in a situation where you have a single line of conduit servicing in this case 28 machines in a row you can't use the impulse hoppers.. The wiring would be incredibly bad and remove the whole neatness and compactness of the processing build. Which is why I love ender io conduits (since they were a thing). Also thats ignoring it needs a fluid pipe as well to output/input at the same time.
I have a workaround which is a chest with 3 inputs (PUSH) on it (so 3 filters or 30 items) going in, then 3 output (PULL) going out. By having the inputs with same exact filter as the output it makes certain the machine ONLY gets a full load, and makes sure the chest doesn't get overfilled.
However.. My suggestion removes the need for the workaround.
And yes I know I can do the same stuff with AE.. But this looks WAY better :-)
Ok scratch that.. The workaround is only working for odd combinations. But tried it with the impulse and it works. Just need a lot more of them to do the same job the filter could do lol.
Although why does the export filter act that way.. Its acting opposite to the input filter.
Lets say you set it to 6. It sends whatever is over 6 up to 6. and makes sure there's 6 left.. so if you put 11 in there it will send 5 even though the filter says 6.. Odd behaviour ? If you put 30 in there it will send 6 and keep the rest. Till it gets to less than 12.. Then it will send whatever is above 6 and keep 6..
Am I missing something here.. My cheap workaround still works, but I am still left with odd amounts in machines at the end and a leftover in the buffer chest equal to whatever I set the filter to..
- Edited to clarify from further testing.