Removing redstone filter does not remove effects
mifrai opened this issue ยท 1 comments
Issue Description:
Only tested with the NOT filter. Adding the filter to a redstone output and then removing it will not remove the effects of the filter.
What happens:
When removing the NOT filter from a redstone output, the signal continues to have NOT applied.
What you expected to happen:
When removing the NOT filter from a redstone output, the signal goes back to normal.
Steps to reproduce:
- Set up a lever -> conduit -> 2 outputs:
- Add the NOT filter to one output
- Remove the NOT filter
- Toggle the lever, observe
Affected Versions (Do not use "latest"):
- EnderIO: 5.0.50
- EnderCore: 1.12.2-0.5.65
- Minecraft: 1.12.2
- Forge:
- SpongeForge? no
- Optifine? no
- Single Player and/or Server? Single player
Your most recent log file where the issue was present:
Related #5206