Ender IO Zoo

Ender IO Zoo


Duplication Glitch with Dark Anvil and Dark Paper Anvil

piisfun opened this issue ยท 5 comments


Removing Items from output slot of Dark Paper Anvil via Shift-Click results in inputs not being removed.
Immediately exiting the anvil interface results in the inputs being returned to the inventory, leaving two copies of the item, one processed, the other not.

Works with both Dark Anvil and Dark Paper Anvil.

EnderIO 1.12.2-5.1.51

EnderCore 1.12.2-0.5.67


Version 1.12.2


@HenryLoenwind Might want to look this over again. seems it didnt work 48e6fcc


tyler, those are different slots.


This only works on when shift-clicking the anvil output. Both inputs are left in the input slots, and can be removed either manually or by closing the interface.

i.e. putting in one enchantment book and an unenchanted diamond sword will yield one unenchanted diamond sword, one enchanted diamond sword, and one enchanted book.


yes, that output slot is one of the few slots that does something when its content is removed. I think I found the code that removes the stack when shift-clicking and does not tell the slot about it.


Note that is is an endercore issue, so you need to update endercore.