Invalid warning from Ender Fluid Conduit insertion
pupnewfster opened this issue ยท 3 comments
Issue Description:
When theorizing about different possible causes of what maybe causing the console spam about incorrect fluid insertions I asked how Ender IO handles multiblocks that share the same tank. From my understanding Ender IO simulates the insertion and then inserts, except after inserting the simulations are no longer valid and the data is mismatched as the tank does not need as much anymore because it received some from another connection. TT's analysis of the code
What happens:
Console gets spammed with warnings about inserted fluid volume being less than the simulated amount, when having multiple connections to a multiblock tank.
What you expected to happen:
No warnings should happen as multiblock tanks are perfectly valid things to occur.
Steps to reproduce:
- Create a multiblock that shares its tank across all inputs, for my testing I used Mekanism's dynamic tank. Make sure that there are at least two input connections and an output of some kind.
- Fill the tank (I just right clicked on it with a creative fluid tank of water)
- Connect two or more ender fluid conduits together both inserting into the inputs, and pulling from some source (I used a creative fluid tank filled with water as my source.)
- Have the tank slowly drain. I did this by attaching a pressurized fluid conduit to another valve and had it extract into an empty creative fluid tank to void the output.
- Look at the console to see that it is spammed with a warning like:
Inserted fluid volume (100mB) is less than when we asked the target how much to insert (200mB). This means that one of the blocks connected to this conduit line has a bug.
Affected Versions (Do not use "latest"):
- Mekanism: My workspace during testing was using this branch; however I don't believe anything has changed with the dynamic tank since the latest release of mekanism (9.8.1)
- EnderIO: 5.1.51
- EnderCore: 0.5.69
- Minecraft: 1.12.2
- Forge:
- SpongeForge? no
- Optifine? no
- Single Player and/or Server? Single Player, though it probably happens on a server as well
Your most recent log file where the issue was present:
There is not anything in the log that is useful towards this issue as it just repeats the same warning message as listed above. I am however, attaching a small world file with the setup that reproduces this issue:
enderio test.zip
The only mods that should be needed to load the world are enderio, endercore, and mekanism. It probably will also want mekanism generators and mekanism tools as I did it in a Mekanism dev environment. Nothing from Mekanism Tools or Mekanism Generators is required for this setup though so removing them from the world should not cause any problems.
Final note: I have not bothered testing if energy conduits have a similar problem (as I don't believe they print a warning for it, but if you want I can probably test it pretty easily against Mekanism's induction matrix as I believe that should behave similarly.
Can confirm having the same issue but the only things i have connected belong to EnderIO mod. The reservoir should be easier to test as that is the multiblock that is giving me the issue as well. Mekanism isn't even installed in my custom modpack.
- EnderIO: 5.1.55
- EnderCore: 0.5.73
- Minecraft: 1.12.2
- Forge:
- Sponge Forge?: no
- Optifine: happens both with and without.
- Single player and/or Server?: Happening on both.
Whether it's a valid warning or not, it's really spamming my server logs when it happens, drowning out everything else.
Even if there's a problem where my players are wasting buckets of lava pumping into magmatic dynamos, as a server operator I don't really care as there isn't anything I can do about it anyway, so it isn't useful to see the entire log filled with nothing but warnings about buggy tanks.
In fact, I'm more likely to recommend players to not use EnderIO than to not use magmatic dynamos if I were to try to do anything about it, since the log spam seemingly can't be disabled in any way.
A way to at least disable this log message would be good.
Maybe only show it once per device per server start unless a certain debug flag is enabled?
- EnderIO: 5.1.55
- EnderCore: 0.5.73
- Minecraft: 1.12.2
- Forge:
- Sponge Forge?: no
- Optifine: happens both with and without.
- Single player and/or Server?: Server
- Modpack: MCEternal
Having exact same problem, it's spamming my server log and that's extremely annoying... it should at least need a config setting to disable it
- EnderIO: 5.1.55
- EnderCore: 0.5.73
- Minecraft: 1.12.2
- Forge:
- Sponge Forge: 1.12.2-2838-7.2.1-RC4011
- Optifine: 1.12.2_HD_U_E3
- Single player and/or Server?: Server