Ender Sapphire

Ender Sapphire


This is my first mod, and it was created using MCreator.

This mod adds only 1 thing: Ender Sapphires.

Ender Sapphire Ore can be found rarely in the end, and can be smelted in a blast furnace to obtain Ender Sapphire Shards.

4 Ender Sapphire Shards can be combined with 4 diamonds to produce 1 Ender Sapphire.

Ender Sapphires can be used to upgrade Netherite Items using a Smithing Table to produce very powerful items.

Ender Sapphire Armor can be upgraded again (in Mod version 1.3+) to produce Improved Ender Sapphire Armor.

The Helmet is obtained by putting an Ender Sapphire Helmet and a turtle shell together in a smithing table and provides the same bonuses as a turtle shell with the protection of an Ender Sapphire helmet.

The Chestplate is obtained by putting an Ender Sapphire Chestplate and an elytra together in a smithing table and gives the player slow falling as long as they are in the air and not sneaking.

The Leggings is obtained by putting an Ender Sapphire Leggings and a nether star together in a smithing table and makes the player jump much higher.

The Boots are obtained by putting Ender Sapphire Boots and a nether star together in a smithing table and removes fall damage.

When all four pieces of Improved Ender Sapphire armor are worn at once the player gets night vision and fire resistance in addition to the above effects.