


EnderAddons, a lightweight fabric End expansion mod

It is currently only compatable with 1.19.3, I do plan to maintain it into 1.20

Showcase: https://www.youtube.com/embed/AFy7ZAsVTyo

Curseforge: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/enderaddons

Modrinth: https://modrinth.com/mod/enderaddons

Future plans for v2: The Enderbiome update

  • New forest biome in end, will have navy blue wood and trees and shouldnt be too rare.
  • Biome exclusive mob, endercreeper will function like a normal creeper but do more damage + drop speical ingredent for making the armored elytra
  • Also endercows, which will drop steak that will function like a chorus friut when uncooked but be like a cooked steak, when cooked becomes super good food item 1.5x better than steak.
  • New grass for biome that will look cool.
  • Ender elytra, will function as diamond or netherite chestplate + elytra, whichever I decide.
  • Advancements

Note: these plans are really ambitious for a first mod, so they may take a while but I will figure them out.