- 0
Endergetic Foliage cannot be composted
#91 opened by WitheredWasabi - 2
Deadlock when bouncing on Boof Blocks inside a boat
#90 opened by naiski - 1
Exception when firing a projectile into a boof block (1.15)
#89 opened by naiski - 4
The Exit portal refuses to generate on a server.
#86 opened by tobi-polar - 1
1.15.2 Missing Ogg file
#85 opened by Yourname942 - 3
When creepers explode with balloons on them, potion particles appear as if the creeper blew up with an effect
#81 opened by WitheredWasabi - 5
Server Disconnect on Loading New Biomes
#79 opened by Rileybutt - 1
Picking up End fire
#78 opened by generrosity - 2
Inflated booflo doesn't do eating animation when swallowing puff bug
#77 opened by generrosity - 1
Poise planks and stems are crafted into mixed chests instead of poise chests
#76 opened by WitheredWasabi - 1
One of the subtitles shows up us
#75 opened by jogurciQ - 2
Boof Block Crash
#71 opened by ChrisLTheNerd - 0
No localization value for
#67 opened by TheDirectorX - 3
[1.15.2] SMP Startup Crash - common_setup event phase
#65 opened by mr-poyo - 3
No Dragon Egg is spawning when killing the dragon
#59 opened by Shorepion - 0
Poise wood doesnt burn
#57 opened by WitheredWasabi - 4
Server crash with new forge version
#56 opened by Darkfiend009 - 1
The Endergetic Expansion encountered an error during load_registries event phase net.minecraft.item.Food$Builder.effect(Ljava/util/function/Supplier;F)Lnet/minecraft/item/food$Builder:
#52 opened by Blankeuu - 0
Shears dont lose durability when mining poise clusters
#50 opened by WitheredWasabi - 0
Tall poise bushes drop 2 of themselves when broken
#49 opened by WitheredWasabi - 1
Generating features with Corrock Block in modded dimensions causes a crash
#48 opened by TelepathicGrunt - 2
Encountered Error During Load_Registries Event Phase
#47 opened by Gemios26 - 0
Puff Bugs can sometimes end up being unable to Pollinate once they've already done it once
#45 opened by SmellyModder - 0
Attaching bolloom balloons to a fence does not play a hand animation
#44 opened by muzikbike - 1
Sound for equipping a booflo vest resuses leather armor equipping sound event, leading to unintuitive subtitles
#40 opened by muzikbike - 1
Subtitle strings should be translatable
#32 opened by muzikbike - 2
Breeding the booflo doesn't give the player The Parrots and the Bats advancement
#31 opened by Block-Vader - 0
stripped poise log cant be crafted into stripped poise wood
#30 opened by fivelol - 3
Loot Table Error
#29 opened by WenXin20 - 3
(1.15.2) Puff Bug pathfinding crashes in presence of The Midnight's Suavis Block
#28 opened by TelepathicGrunt - 2
Ctd on startup
#26 opened by Roonas - 0
System print in TileEntityBolloomBud.tick() that was forgotten to be removed causes FPS drops
#24 opened by SmellyModder - 4
Recipe Errors
#23 opened by WenXin20 - 0
bookshelf not in decor tab
#21 opened by WitheredWasabi - 1
Poise Cluster Rework
#18 opened by SmellyModder - 1
Tridents dissappear when thrown at poise clusters in survival mode
#17 opened by fivelol - 0
Custom sounds ignore distance
#16 opened by fivelol - 5
First 1.14.4/1.15 Release Build - Poise Forest
#3 opened by SmellyModder - 1
List of new issues found
#2 opened by SmellyModder