Enderite Crystal By Semi

Enderite Crystal By Semi


I recommend using JEI (Just Enough Items Mod)

Forge 1.16.5 +36.2.36 and above also recommended


Okay so before I start I want to make a quick summary, this was a mod that i made like two years ago and it was the time that i started learning all this stuff. There is only a plenty of things to explore and try out but i hope you guys have as much as fun as i did while making this mod. I still have some ideas to turn this mod into a some kind of Better End mod in future but for now I just wanted to show it to you all.

Enderite Crystals And Where to find

You can find new enderite crystals in meteors that generate in the end dimension. These meteors have three sizes, small, medium, and large, and are found in groups. Even if two meteors are the same in size, the number of enderite crystals that can be found from them depends on luck. There is a full set including tools that each have it's uniuqe ability available for crafting. Note that every special action that player does with these items will consume a small amount of xp from them.


Energy Capsules and Wireless Redstone

When these new blocks are filled with enderite crystals, they create an invisible energy field in a 6x6x6 area for one minute and 15 seconds. This energy field prevents the player from taking fall damage, allows putting blocks in the air on that area, but most importantly, it activates all redstone systems in and around this area. It can be used as a redstone clock by turning the energy field of the filled capsule off and on by placing another empty capsule at the desired distance or proximity. This block can also get filled by using a dispencer next to it


Enderite Block

This block does not have much feature compared to the others, but the energy balls thrown from the enderite sword serve to activate and deactivate this block. Together with the Observer, this block can be used for a fast working remote redstone system. They also glow in dark when they are active just like magma blocks.





Enderite Sword

Besides it's +0.2 faster attack speed compared to regular swords, this sword can throw energy balls that can launch entities upwards with right click. Also just like mentioned above this energy balls can activate or deactivate Enderite Blocks. This action will consume a small amount of xp too.


Enderite Pickaxe

This pickaxe has two features, one passive and one optional. The passive feature allows the player to get xp from breaking that block with a 50% chance.What block that they broke doesn't matter, as long as they break it with an enderite pickaxe. This xp drops increase with Fortune Enchantment.


The second and main feature is slightly different. Allows the player to select two different blocks with a right click and swap the two blocks without breaking them. This action will consume a small amount of xp too.


Enderite Axe

Enderite Axe has only a one passive feature that player can use. This feature gives the player a chance to make that entity drop a ender pearl when they hit a living entity, unless the entity they hit is not another player.

This chance can get increased with Looting Enchantment.


Enderite Shovel

The feature of the Enderite shovel is my favorite among them. Causes any block the player right-clicks to fall by gravity, just like sand blocks. This action will consume a small amount of xp too.


Enderite Hoe

Enderite Hoe will act like bonemeal for plants when right clicked to them with cost of a small amount of xp.


Enderite Armor Set

This armor set, which is made by covering diamond armor, allows the player to levitate very slowly when sneaking when fully worn. This is especially useful for avoiding fall damage when falling from a high place. It is also strong armor and has an armor toughness of +2 (Netherite Armor is +3 by comparison).



That's all, I hope it's worth your time and you will have fun playing.

English and Turkish translation is available.