

Endorchain Patch Recipe

Endorchain Patch Recipe

Use these Patches to craft Endorchain Armor. Standard Vanilla Patterns
The Endor Paxel

The Endor Paxel

This powerful tool functions as a Pickaxe, Axe, and Shovel all in one! Want Paxels for all Types? Look for "Easy Paxel Mod"!
The Endorite Golem

The Endorite Golem

Summon this new MINI BOSS by blowing up a Void Container!
Void Rock Islands

Void Rock Islands

Check out the New Void Rock Islands!
Void Container

Void Container

Break open one of these to collect Void Essence! Careful though... it's a long drop!
Glowstone Gel Recipe

Glowstone Gel Recipe

This stuff is just weird!
Revive a Dead Endorglow Stone

Revive a Dead Endorglow Stone

Simple add 1 End Rod and BOOM!!! Let there be LIGHT!!!
Mmmm!  Did someone say CAKE?

Mmmm! Did someone say CAKE?

Mix Milk, Sugar, Wheat, and a "Cooked" Chorus Fruit to make a Speedy treat! Just don't over cook it!
Hardened Endorite Recipe

Hardened Endorite Recipe

Combine 1 Endorite Ingot and 4 Void Essence.