Enhanced Gear

Enhanced Gear


Note: There are people sharing this mod on other platforms, and I'm almost very happy. Sharing this project is amazing, but please share the original source(either GitHub or this page) and credit the creators in text. The people who have shared did not credit the creator, except for in a picture of the mod list. Also, this mod is no longer being updated for 1.15.2. Future versions of the mod will be in the latest version of Minecraft. Thank you!



Hello everyone,

My name is Flameopathic, and I am a brand new modder, hoping to bring more to the modding table. This mod was made in conjunction with KingTJB. We have put many hours into this project, and we hope you enjoy. You can also find this on GitHub.

This is the enhanced gear mod. In this mod, we have added stone, obsidian, ruby, and emerald items into the game. These items mainly include tools and armor.

Emeralds suddenly have a brand new use, you can make armor and tools with them! The tools are as good as diamonds, but since they are easily found, they have very low durability. The armor works a little differently. Emerald Armor is not great of armor, but each piece gives you a status effect.

We have also added stone armor, which you can craft by putting stone into a stonecutter. The armor is not the greatest though, as it is about the same as leather armor. It is useful because now a full set of armor only costs 4 stone. It is very good for early-game, for it is not very difficult to get(unlike leather, which is harder to get than iron).

Obsidian items are crafted using diamond items, and the results are weapons and armor which is the same as diamond, but way more durable. Obsidian armor gives the user invulnerability to fire when they are wearing the full set, and obsidian items are indestructible when dropped. No amount of TNT, fire, lava, or anything could destroy them.

Last but certainly not least, we have added ruby to the game. This ore can be mined and made into tools, but unlike normal tools, ruby tools are crafted using lapis lazuli which would replace the stick(s). Once crafted, the items will be given an instant enchant, which are sometimes very powerful. Along with our ruby armor, they are extremely enchantable, so sometimes enchants are too powerful for the item you are enchanting. To fix this, you may have to use a lower enchanting level. (Do not worry, this will not give you a worse enchant)

Enhanced Gear 1.1.0 introduces new SUPERTOOLS with special abilities, but with large costs. We have added Excavators, Battleaxes, Plows, Drills, and Crater Creators. Excavators create 3x3 holes in blocks you would normally break with a shovel. Crater Creators do the same thing, but with stone blocks instead. This won’t work on ores, as that is what the drill is for. The drill is used as a vein miner but only for ores. The battleaxe takes out a whole tree when you break one block, and also has high attack damage with low speed. Finally, the plow is a 3x3 hoe that is the least expensive and can make farming easier.

Do you like our mod? Tell us in the comments. Is there something wrong, or is there a bug? Please let us know. We are open for feedback, and there will be updates in the future.

Version 1.1.1








