Enhanced Survival ENS

Enhanced Survival ENS


Enhanced Survival or (ENS) is A mod for adding some Features And Items that are useful and fun to play With For an Enhancements to The Survival Gameplay!

Three New Shark Variants!;

 Megalidion Shark

             Megalidon Shark

blue Shark

                 Blue Shark

Frozen Shark

                 Frozen Shark

More than 20 new blocks With a New Liquid, New Wood Type And 2 New Work Station!

                      Olive Tree Wood

About 30 New Items Including A new Ore, 6 New Weapons And Combat Items and 2 new Foods!

All Items

5 More Armor Pieces With Special Abilities, And a New Enchantment For Weapons!

Thunderite Items

A New Biome With 3 New Trees and a New Flower and a new Ocean Structure!

                      Soft Field Biome

12 New Advancements All About the mod That Require collecting, Hunting, And Other Challenging Tasks!

4 new Usful Control settings that Are like Shortcuts of Some Function!

Three New Commands!

   /itemstacksize [set/get] [mainhand/offhand/helmet/chestplate/leggings/boots] <number>(type number only if 'set' selected)

/itemdurability [set/get] [mainhand/offhand/helmet/chestplate/leggings/boots] <number>(type number only if 'set' selected)

/gravity [copy/cut] [x] [y] [z] [keep/to] [x] [y] [z](type coordiantes only if 'to' selected)

This Mod Have A Diffrent Type Of Config Settings:

How to access mod configs (Only if the mod version is 1.11.0 or higher!):

Method 1:you can use '/ensconfigs' if you have command permission or you're the server operator.

Method 2:you can go to location '*game directory*/config/Ensurvival/' and there is files to edit [WARNING: Editing configs from files have a chance to cause crash's if you miss typed something]

If you found any bug or problem I recommend reporting it as soon as possible!!

Q & A:

Q:could i suggest something new?

A:Of course, i need more ideas suggestions, suggest your ideas in the comments below...!

Q:Why is it for 1.16.x? 

A:For now i only made the mod to 1.16.X it will be Updated to 1.17.X and 1.18.X Later!

Comment if you have a suggestion or a bug report !