A small mod that brings coloured titles to players by expanding on the vanilla Name Tag item.
Players may now sneak-rightclick Name Tags to equip them. The Name Tag display text will appear as a title-plate above the player (but below the username if in multiplayer). The display text can be coloured to any one of the sixteen colours in Minecraft: This is done by combining a Name Tag and a Dye item in a crafting table together - the result is an identical Name Tag to the input, but with colour data appended to it. By holding shift over the Name Tag the colour is displayed as a tooltip. To unequip a Name Tag, the player just has to sneak-rightclick any other Name Tag and the currently equipped one will drop.
Note that unnamed Name Tags cannot be equipped.
Commands introduced by this mod may only be executed by a command block or a player with a permission level of two of more (in creative mode/admin). From now on any player with a permission level of two or more will be referred to as an 'admin', while the symbol '@p' will denote 'target player' (for the purpose of being concise).
/entitled @p clear
Clears the target player's Name Tag (or unequips it), provided that the target player has one equipped in the first place.
/entitled @p lock
Removes the target player's ability to equip/unequip a Name Tag. A few notes on this: An admin player is immune to this command and cannot have their ability to equip/unequip Name Tags locked, only players without admin privileges may have that ability locked. If a command block executes this command, it will skip over admin players.
/entitled @p unlock
The opposite of '/entitled @p unlock'. Reenables the target player to equip/unequip Name Tags. The same rules on admin behaviour are applied here too.
/entitled @p colour
If the target player has a Name Tag equipped, this will change that Name Tag's colour to the one specified in the command; e.g. playerA has a blue Name Tag equipped, and an admin uses '/entitled playerA red', playerA's Name Tag is now red.
/entitled @p colour title
The same functionality as '/entitled @p colour', but also specifies the Name Tag's display text ('title' argument). This command will apply to the target player regardless of if they already have a Name Tag equipped or not. If they do not, this will create a Name Tag with the colour and display text from the arguments and equip it forcefully onto that player. Should that player then unequip that Name Tag, it will drop as a new item.
Example 1
PlayerA exists with admin privileges, PlayerB exists as a survival player: Only PlayerA may use any of the commands listed above. PlayerA would like to force PlayerB to have a particular title (perhaps to represent membership of an ingame guild or rank). PlayerA does the following:
- /entitled playerB red Skylord
- /entitled playerB lock
PlayerB now has a red title displaying "Skylord", and cannot unequip it (ever) unless a player with admin privilege uses the unlock command on them.
Example 2
PlayerA exists with admin privileges and would like to give themself the title of "Supreme Leader". They do the following:
- /entitled playerA magenta Supreme Leader
- /entitled playerA lock
PlayerA now has a magenta coloured title displaying "Supreme Leader". However, the second command that they issued was voided and had no effect - why? Because the player was targetting theirself; rule one: An admin cannot be locked; rule two: To use these commands one must be an admin. PlayerA issuing the command to lock their own ability to equip/uneqip Name Tags contradicts these rules - so to issue the command in the first place, playerA must be an admin; therefor playerA may not lock theirself.
Example 3
A server exists with a spawn point; at the spawn point is a pressure plate with a command block underneath. The server owner wishes to give new players who join the server a beginner rank of sorts: A title dislaying "Noob" in yellow.
The aforementioned command block contains the command "/entitled @p yellow Noob". A second command block that activates with the first one contains another command: "/entitled @p lock".
PlayerA joins the server for the first time; they land on the pressure plate at spawn. They instantly have a yellow title displaying "Noob", and may not unequip this title until they are either unlocked by an admin or they stand on another command block "upgrading" their rank (or if an admin manually gives them an "upgraded rank").
This concludes the full introduction to all functionality implemented by this mod.