Entity Distance

Entity Distance


Entity Distance Mod

Rendering entities from greater distances or reduce that for improved performance. (Customizable for each entity type)


This simple mod allows you to customize the rendering and tracking distances for entities in Minecraft1.12.2. For instance, you can opt to see hostile entities from farther away and render neutral entities like animals at closer distances, thus optimizing both FPS and network performance.


  • Entity Rendering Distance: The maximum distance at which entities are visually displayed on the client-side. This setting directly impacts client-side performance.

    • Example: Setting the rendering distance to its maximum allows all entities to be visually displayed at the full extent of their tracking distance. Conversely, setting it to zero results in no entities being rendered, although they are still being tracked by the server.
    • Practical Tip: If you're using a less powerful computer, you can decrease the rendering distance to ensure entities are only visually displayed when they are closer, which can help improve performance.
  • Entity Tracking Distance: This refers to the range within which the server communicates information about entities to the client, making it possible for them to be tracked and eventually rendered. This setting affects server performance.

    • Note: For an entity to be rendered, it must first be within the tracking distance. Thus, the actual rendering distance of an entity is the lesser of the set rendering and tracking distances.

Note: If you aim to increase an entity's rendering distance, you must also increase its tracking distance. An entity must first be tracked before it can be rendered.


  • Adjust entity rendering distance.
  • Adjust entity tracking distance.
  • Provides a slider in the settings menu for easy adjustments.
  • Entity Blacklist/Whitelist
  • Custom Entity Track Multipliers


  • /entitydistance <configName> <value> (Possible <configName>: renderDistanceMultiplier, trackDistanceMultiplier, Whitelist, entityblacklist, customentitytrackmultipliers)
  • /setrenderdistance <value>
  • /settrackdistance <value>
  • /entitylistadd <entityID>
  • /entitylistremove <entityID>
  • /customlistadd <entityID>,<multiplier>
  • /customlistremove <entityID>


  1. Download the latest version of Entity Distance Mod.
  2. Place the downloaded jar file into the Minecraft mods folder.
  3. After installing the mod, navigate to the settings menu where you'll find sliders to adjust the entity rendering and tracking distances. Adjust them to your preference and enjoy the game!


Q: Can this mod be used alongside other performance mods?
A: Yes, this mod is compatible with most performance mods. However, ensure to test it before using in tandem with other mods.

Q: Is this mod server-side or client-side?
A: This mod can function on both the server and client sides.

FutureFuture Plans

  • Global settings for hostile (and other faction) entities.
  • Custom configurations for specific entities, e.g., projectiles.


If you've identified a bug or wish to propose a new feature, kindly create an issue on our GitHub page. Should you desire to contribute code-wise, feel free to fork the repository and submit a pull request.


This mod is released under the MIT license. Kindly refer to the LICENSE file for more details.


thanks to forge-mixin-example for their mixin template!