Creepypasta Legendary Entity

Creepypasta Legendary Entity


Creepypasta Legendary Entity Mod Description

This mod is designed to create stories about various entities such as: Herobrine,Entity 303,Nul,Notch,StoneMan,Eyeball,Angel,Wizard,Vampires,Ghost,Devil Spider And More!...

But also variations of Herobrine such as Herobrine Cow,Herobrine Golem, Herobrine villager And More..
In This Mod You Can Also Find Various Objects:Various Entity's,Strong
Sword,Many Blocks,Many Foods,Many Item,Many Consumables,Many Special Power And Ability,Many Entities!.Ecc..

This Mod Offers Direct Experience with Creepy And Legendary Entities.
The Entities are randomly generated in the world when you least Expect it Or Through Altars!..

The Entities Will also be Generated according to the Laws of the Game, Through Commands Or Through The Altar

This Mod Also Features Various Changes To Vanilla Minecraft! Such As Animations And Events And Spawns

The Mod Can Also Be Useful With Mob Battle Series As It Has Many Useful Tools For It


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--I Recommend Always Installing The Latest Version Of The Mod--
--Reached 8000+ Dowloads!--

--Thanks Everyone For The Downloads! :) --[Nex Finish Line At 8500+]--
--Thanks For The --[+8000+]-- Downloads! You Are Fantastics!--
--2 VERSIONS OF THIS MOD 1.15.2+1 (Old) AND 1.16.5+7 (New)--JavaW--
--Next Update (-[ Soon ]-)--Last Update Made On 03/05/2022)--


Entities Available

--Entities Available-[52]--
--Working On Creating AI For All Entities 38/52--
--Working On Creating All Spawn Totem For Entities 6/9

Mod Features And Categories

--The Mod Features Six Categories--[Entity Categories]--[Blood Forest]--[Nithrillium Forest]--[Star Capter]--[Decoration]--[Mob Battle]--
Comment And Pages
--Click The Page Option To View The Next Update Page!--------->
--Click The Second Page Above To See The Mod Rules And Sharing Rules!------->
--Write Any Upcoming Bugs And Next Entities In The Comments!

--I Hope You Like My Mod!--

--Dowload My Resource Pack to get a better Entity Mod experience!--

--> Here--

--Dowload My New Mod For New Nether!--

--> Here--
Entity Mod Entities List
1 Line-  1)Herobrine 2)Entity 303  3)Twisted Steve  4)Stone Man/Alfa  5)Null 

2 Line-  6)Eye Ball  7)Skel Wither No Head  8)Steve  9)Devil Ghast (Exploding)  10)Devil Spider  
Line-  11)Angel  12)Clawing Stone Moster  13)Super Dobsidian Mutant golem  14)Evil Skeleton

4 Line-  15)Vampire Bat  16)Vampire  17)Red Piranha  18)Herobrine Dummy 

5 Line-  19)Nithrillium Dragon Worm  20)Sand Fantom  21)The Intruder (4335) 22)Wither Warrior

6 Line-  23)Notch  24)Impossessated Player  25)Cursed Item Man  26)Sand Moster

7 Line-  27)Distorted Alex 28) Mutanted Hoglin 29) Added Ghost 30) Added Wizard

8 Line-  31)Scientist 32) Gothra 33) Diloboa 34) Ender Hydra 35) Lava Golem

9 Line-  36)Mini Creeper 37) Alchemist 38) Rune Crystal 39)Jeen 40) Jade

10 Line-41)Drowned Zombe Warrior 42) Zombie Worriror 43) Wither Golem 44)

11 Line-45) Devil Snow Golem 46) Powered Skeleton

6 Herobrine Variation Line 1:- Herobrine Zombie,Herobrine Cow,Herobrine Pig,Herobrine Golem

7 Herobrine Variation Line 2:- Herobrine,Herobrine Corrupted Villager,Herobrine Phillager

Total Entities:52 (46 Normal,8 Herobrine Variation)

Next Update Add (Spoiler)


--Added Deamon

--Added Big Deamon

--Added Herobrine Shield Beacon

Blocks And Decoration Add

--Added Rampicant

--Added Black Netherrack

--Added Black Netherrack Bricks

--Added Description To Null Head

----[ Added Herobrine Shield Altar Block]----

--Added Bloody Tall Grass

--Changed Texture To Bloody Plant,Bloody Grass,Bloody Mini Flower,Rampicant,Upside-Down Wild Plant

--Changed Name To All Upside-Down Block (And Item)

--Added Observer Altar

--Added Observer Altar Pilar

----[ Added Null Shield Altar Block]----

--Added Spruce Cluster

--Added Spruce Lilac

Various Change And Various Add (Spoiler)

Item Add And Changed

--Changed Null Sword (Click In Air)

--Added Flaming Ingot

--Added Gods Sword

--Changed 18 Swords Textures

--Added Powered Netherstar

--Added Orange

--Added Diamond Orange

--Added Enchanted Diamond Orange

--Added Orange Core

--Added Enchanted Diamond

--Added Deamon Staff

--Added Sniper (With Scope)

--Changed the speed of all swords (average 1.4 / 1.5)

--Added Recipe To Guide Book (3 Paper 1 Book 1 Redstone)

--Added Bloody Bone

--Added Bloody Head Bone

--Added Bloody Body Skeleton Bone

--Added Bloody Bone Sword (With Opened Wound)

--Now all edible and drinkable items give blood in the "blood bar"

--Changed the cannibalism knife (usable only a limited number of times)

--Added an animation about blood rising in the blood bar

--Changed Null Sword (On Right Click)

--Added All Blood Gem Tools (With Recipes)

--Added All Upside-Down Tools (With Recipes)

--Added Sniper Bullet (With Recipe)

--With the new update the electric gun broke o.O :, --

--Added Supermium Trident

--Added FixaSword

--Added Bri Sword

--Added Flamerite Axe

--Added Recipes For All Bone Block

--Stellar Sword Projectile Changed

--All Staf Animations Changed

Entity Changes

--Added the transformation of normal entities such as cows and chickens into Herobrine variations if Herobrine is nearby

--Added Time Change To Null

Various Change

--Added 14+ Recipes

--Added New Mod Function

--Added Sniper Scope Overlay

--Balanced of all general tools

--Added New Recipe Giver On Player Join The World

--Changed All Creative Background (Custom)

--Null Tower Recreated

--Add New Creative Tab "Evocations"

--Changed All Creative Tab Name (Shrink Down)

--Added More Loot At Skeleton Death

--Added More Loot At Ender Dragon Death

--Added Herobrine Shield Altar Structure (With Condition 1X World)

--Added Herobrine Shield Altar Advancement

--Added Null Shield Altar Advancement

--Added 3 New Structure (Herobrine Altar , Null Altar And Observer Altar)

--Meteors and comets can be deactivated with the command /gamerule starSpawn false (Or True,Default True)

--Added Cursed Hill Biomes

--Changed ALL Biomes Features

--Added Mob Spawning In The Biomes

--Added Config For Id "Idrosolfatoignitore"

--Added 2 New Animations To Minecraft Mob

--Added New Recipes Given To The Player When He Enters The World For The First Time


--[  Herobrine Shield Altar  ]--

From now on to use items or click blocks in the herobrine biome it will be necessary to destroy the "Herobrine Shield Altar" block, This block will spawn in a structure in the herobrine biome. When the "Heorbrine Shield Altar" block is destroyed it will spawn many beacons and "Herobrine" Dummy "and a lot of particles, it will advance and give numerous recipes, and finally it will explode freeing its biome.

--[ Null Shield Altar ]--

From now on to use items or click blocks in the null biome it will be necessary to destroy the "Null Shield Altar" block.

With consequences ..


Added New Splashes In Main Menu

List Info

Objects, Entities, Blocks,Changes Will Be Categorized When It Is Created/Modified


LATTOSIO211 (Mat1232U)
